The best way to do this is to go to photobucket or imagestation and upload the pic there. Both of those sites are free to use & upload pics to. Once you upload the pics, when you go to your main gallery you should be able to copy & paste the url.
To post it on the message board, type in after & your pics will 'magically' appear.
Here's an example;
If you look at the top left corner of this page, you'll see the bright red & cream "P15-D24" logo. If you move your cursor over it and do a right click on the mouse you'll see a little menu bar appear. Go down to "properties" and click on it. That should bring up a little dialogue box that shows you the address (URL). Try it. It should say
That URL is the address for that image on the internet. If you sandwich that address into the tags, you'll get this
Hope that helps. If not, e-mail the pics to me & I'll upload them.