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Everything posted by 50PlymP-20

  1. After installing the dual reservoir master cylinder, I'm assuming you need a new or modified access "hole" in the floor plan to check the fluid level. How did you configure/design the new access panel? I'm about to do this, too.
  2. When I went to an upholstery shop today for a quote on redoing my seats, the guy just pushed the trim pieces out from behind. Here’s a pic of the backside of the trim piece. Mystery solved.
  3. Thanks, YoungEd…I’ll take a closer look.
  4. I’ve done several searches on this topic but haven’t hit the jackpot yet. I’m trying to remove the 2 chrome trim pieces on the right and left sides of the ash tray on the back of the front seat. I don’t see any fasteners on the other side of the seat. I tried tapping/sliding them toward the side of the seat (door side)…but no movement. It’s an P-20, Special Deluxe. Any hints?
  5. Andydodge...just saw (again) your posts from Feb 2019 about the shock mount you fab'd. Thanks for the info in the posts. I'll end this post since I'm going on a shock mount tangent.
  6. Thanks for all the feedback. I'll check the wear like Andy and pflaming suggested but will probably order the replacement kit...as well as king pins (thanks, andy). The engine/tranny are already out and engine is at the machine shop. Bought new Moog Aerostar CC850 coils. ECI front brake conversion w/dual reservoir MC is on order. Ordering new motor mounts. Want to relocate shocks and have seen many posts about it (mounts and suggested shocks)...but still not sure which shock mounts to use. I'm not able to fab them like several folks have done. I've seen the Rusty Hope shock mounts plus Summit and Speedway...just not sure yet. Suggestions? Pic of front end as of today:
  7. I'm a newbie...but have been researching topics on this forum (very helpful!!). I'm working my way through cleaning the gunk off of the front suspension of my 1950 Plymouth 4-door sedan, Special Deluxe (P-20). I know how to check for bad tie rod ends but how do you know when to replace the upper & lower control arm bushings, pins, shafts? I lifted/twisted the upper/lower control arms and didn't feel any play. However, I did feel some vertical play on one of the king pins. Car has ~60k miles and in fairly good original condition. Any advise?? Thanks!!
  8. I was just looking at the Holley Sniper EFI to use on my 218...stock intake manifold. Don't mean to change the intent of this thread...but lots of questions. I've looked for other thread...but didn't see any. Suggestions? The reason for looking at EFI is that I live in CO and when cruising around the area, the altitude changes are +/- 2,000 ft.
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