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  1. I have finallly moved to brakes. Darn brake spring broke. Does anyone know of a good substitute? Does anyone have pictures of an orginal one?(never know if the one that was on there was orginal.) This is for a desoto.
  2. I don't mean to hijack this thread but I am at the exact same point and pretty much had the exact same questions. I would like to add the question, does anyone make new springs for these years? Can somebody look at this kit and see by apperance that it is the correct parts. Not a bad deal since it comes with new hoses. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/6-Wheel-Cylinders-Brake-Hoses-1946-47-48-49-50-DeSoto-/220785921963?pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3367ddcfab
  3. I have the car running very well. It has leaned out a bit, still not perfect. I decided to move onto brakes. 1. First questions, has anybody used the rebuild kits from napa? I would perfer to buy just new cylinders but after reading problems with different size pins I am thinking rebuild if I can. If the ones from napa are not great does anyone know of a good source? Same goes for M.C. 2. If I need new brake springs where can I go? 3. There is a switch of some sort towards the back of the car on the brake line, what is it?
  4. Just a quick update, got the gas tank back from a bath. New fuel pump and rebuilt carb. Starts right up now, running really rich so I will play with that this weekend.
  5. Is anyone familiar with this carb? I am in the process of a rebuild and have 2 carbs trying to make one. One has a spring under the dashpot and one does not anyone know which would be orginal?
  6. Thats the one I have how do I switch polarities?
  7. If I go with an electric fuel pump, does anyone know of a company that will run one with a positive ground?
  8. The carter I took off had a straight arm. I found a new one but had glass bowl and had a hooked arm. Same mounting holes. If I did some work with the lines would the pump work? It was for a 1949 dodge truck.
  9. What years/models will typically interchange with each other? Does anyone know of a store then can typically get them in stock. If what is a good place to get a kit? 1949 desoto.
  10. The box is right by the battery. Could be non orginal or a replacement.
  11. Everyone has been so helpful here even though I am in a Desoto. I don't think I would be hearing my engine run if it wasn't for this group.
  12. Finally got the engine to idle. PO had the dist. totally wrong. She idles like a champ (for right now). Next project is fuel tank, it is currently out of the car and in the process of clean up. I will start rewiring transmission this weekend. Thanks for everyones help getting her started.
  13. There is a spring on my exhaust manifold that is stretched and broken. The Desoto book lacks a lot of info. Any idea where this might go..
  14. Hey bob I got one. However, still chasing wires. If anyone would have a real picture of their horn relay and circuit break that would help out a ton though.
  15. Sounds great Bob. I have totally traced and replaced any bad wire. Problem is it still won't start. I am getting gas, in my opinion plenty of spark, and the engine seems to be spinning fast enough, but still not even the slightest bit of fire. My next guess is timing. One thing it seems the coil is getting really hot for the short of amount of time cranking any ideas?
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