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plymouthasc last won the day on April 18 2013

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  • My Project Cars
    Plymouth P12 ASC


  • Location
    Central California / P12 ASC
  • Interests
    P12 Auxilary Seat Coupe

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  1. I received an email from a fellow Plymouth owner and I suggested he post his question on this forum. He was having difficulty posting his questions, so I am posting it for him. "I am a new owner of a 4-door Special Deluxe. A friend and I are currently going through the car from front end to differential, and hope to have it on the road in a couple of weeks. The car is equipped with the power (vacuum) shifter, which I was told when I purchased the car is working: but the linkage looks complicated to reconnect, so I am wondering if it can just be bypassed. Or if you have any "words of wisdom". Any help you can offer will be appreciated. Many thanks" I will forward your information to him. Thanks for the help.
  2. The called and said everything is working okay. Thanks for your input. He thinks there may have been air in the block, but in any case, the car is not overheating and the noise is gone.
  3. Once again, I am posting for the Plymouth owner in Nevada who does not have Internet access. His 1941 Plymouth was overheating (boiling water out of the radiator). He put in a new radiator core, changed the water pump and hoses, flushed the block two times and replaced the water distribution tube. He said now when he climbs a hill in a 95 degree day the radiator does not boil over, but there is a boiling noise coming from the block. He said the water temperature gauge stays in about the middle off the dial. He can idle the car on a 90 degree day for a long period of time without any noticeable overheating. He is going to climb the hill again today or tomorrow and check the block with an infrared temperature gauge to see if there is a hot spot. Does he have an overheating problem? What might be the cause of the groaning/boiling noise in the block when the engine gets hot from a hill climb on a hot day? Thanks for your replies. Once again, I will forward your information to him by telephone.
  4. A Plymouth owner in Nevada who does not have Internet contacted me and wants to know if he can use a 1950 Plymouth 3-speed transmission with built-in overdrive on his 1941 Plymouth. Is it a direct exchange? What are the issues he must address if he can use this. Thanks for your reply. I will forward the information to him by telephone.
  5. Someone in France emailed me and asked for help identifying his engine number. I don't have the answer to his questions. Anyone on the forum know? Is there any possibility the original engine number could be as shown in the attached photo? It looks like BN 73036CA. If it is not from the car, what might be the source? I realize these engines came as new engines, marine engines, industrial engines, etc. Any help for this restorer in France will be appreciated.
  6. I had the opportunity to attend the Plymouth Owners Club car meet in Tucson, Arizona last weekend (April 14, 2013). I took along my video camera and put together a short video. It is posted on my YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/ihazwings I will be posting some short 1-2 minute videos in the coming weeks showing individual cars with descriptions provided by the owners. If you subscribe to the YouTube channel with your email, you will be notified when those short videos are posted. It was a nice event put on the Grand Canyon Region of POC. The location was beautiful this time of year. I did not take my '41 as I only had the weekend. Thanks to everyone who helped with this event.
  7. Looking good!
  8. The bolts were cadmium plated originally. There are different qualities of plating depending on the way the shop is set up. I found a shop that is certified for scientific and government work and they definitely had the best quality plating I have seen. I believe they said the parts go through as many as 12 tanks. $2.00 each doesn't sound too bad depending on how many you do. Most larger shops have a minimum ($100+) but if you have a lot of stuff they will do it all for the same price. It has to do with how much time is involved in the process. It doesn't seem to matter to them if they have a rack half full or full. They are charging mostly for processing the rack. This is one of those things that has many "correct" answers because there are so many variables in plating.
  9. From the 1940 service manual:
  10. The weather strip from what I could learn was on the door. There was a wider piece at the bottom of the door that was manufatured separately to fill the gap at the corners. I have attached the following photos: An original 1948 door bottom weather strip My car with currently available weather strip wrapped around the corner The edge of my door showing how I installed the weather strip on the door As far as I know the fitted bottom piece is not available from anyone for any year/model. Mark
  11. I know the car, but I don't know who it belongs to. Perhaps someone on the forum will know and post the information.
  12. Hi, In case you are not following the thread about the restoration of my '41 here is a link to a video with clips from the POC Summer National Meet in Pacific Grove. Please share the link with anyone who is mentioned in the video, but may not follow the online forums. Thanks for all the support I have recieved the past several months. I really appreciate it! Mark
  13. Hi! Thanks for waiting to see the video of my car finished. I posted a new video with clips from the POC National Summer Meet in Pacific Grove. Please share the link with anyone who may not follow the the forum, but is mentioned in the video. I also explain in the video if I will continue to make more videos. I really have appreciated all the support I received through this thread. Mark
  14. How about if I just come to NSW? I've always wanted to visit!
  15. According to my parts book, P12 with running boards used Left: 937050 and Right: 937049
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