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  • Gender
  • Location
    Manitoba Canada
  • Interests
    DIY everthing.
  • My Project Cars
    Dodge DG2-26 Truck 1 ton

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  • Biography
    I'm 68 years young, I'm in Manitoba Canada, I love older trucks.
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  • Location
    Manitoba Canada
  • Interests
    DIY everthing

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About Me

I am 68 years old and retired. I live in Newdale, Manitoba for the last twenty years. I am also very active I ride a bicycle every day for excise, I love bicycles and own 25 mostly older bikes but my every day bicycle is a mountain bike. I also walk my dogs for 2 miles a day. I rebuilt a 1991 GMC 6.2 diesel in the last two years and now want to rebuild the 1951 Dodge DG2-26 to the best of my ability. I drive the GMC diesel truck every day it has 369,--- Klicks on the engine, but still a nice drive. My wife is very supportive and allows my projects without any arguments. I will put a photo of my diesel truck on here.

GMC 1500 truck.JPG

GMC 1500 interior.JPG

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