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  • My Project Cars
    1948 Pilothouse/Dakota, 1930 Plymouth P/U


  • Location
    Bartlett, TN
  • Interests
    Hot Rods, Harley's, Grand/Greatgrandchildren

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  1. Dan, I have a 241 RedRam in my 30 Plymouth truck. It has an aftermarket front motor mount bracket which prevents the use of an original mechanical fuel pump. I have to use a small inline electrical pump. It is rated at 2-3 psi. It works fine. I've never used a carb adapter, so i can't help there. Hothemiheads in North Carolina sells Edelbrock aluminum 4V and multi-carb manifolds for the 241/259/270 engines, both poly and Hemi. Not cheap; but Hemi stuff never is.
  2. Thanks, Los_Control and Sniper. The links you furnished gave me tons of info useful for the direction I will take. The 91 Dakota wheelbase is only three inches longer than the 48, so I might not have to shorten the frame. It will be another couple of months before I can start. With helpful guys like you available, I am confident this will succeed. Thanks again.
  3. The reason modern chargers won't charge a completely discharged battery is to prevent the possibility of the battery being charged backwards causing the positive/negative posts to be backwards. The new chargers check your connections and will tell you if they are backwards and won't start the charge. If there is no charge in the battery, it can't tell if it is correct. The default programing, then, is to not provide a charge. Paralleling another battery (positive to positive, negative to negative) will trick the charger into providing a charge. This doesn't have to be done for very long.
  4. Hello, all. I have a 48 Pilothouse and want to graft it to a 1991 Dakota 2wd, short bed, base cab, sub frame. The Dak had a V6 and a five speed; I'm going back with a mild LA318 and a 727. My goal is a long distance cruiser that is capable of 70-Up-Air (seventy miles an hour, Uphill, Air conditioner running). I'd like to hear from any member who has hands-on experience at grafting a pilothouse to a dakota subframe. Can I use the Dak floor and lower firewall? Will the PH body have to be channeled? Thanks.
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