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  1. oldodge41's post in Car died, No spark! was marked as the answer   
    My 2 cents. I am suspecting the distributor cap or rotor based on your explanation (more so the cap). They may look fine, but somewhere I suspect your spark from the coil is getting diverted to ground. Moisture can cause that. Not typically seen shutting down a running engine, but one that is hot, shut off and sits a while then will have moisture problems in the cap in the weather you describe. I would pull the cap and rotor, spray down with wd-40 or another ignition drying product or electrical cleaner, wipe dry and try again. If the same result, spark from coil, at the proper interval but no spark at plugs, I would replace the cap and rotor. 
    Disclaimer: I am not a mechanic, I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I have been working on old cars for a long time. I'm a hack, but I sometimes get lucky and fix things.
    Good luck and please keep us posted on your progress.
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