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  1. In answer to your Question, I changed the Neg- Gd. to Pos. Gd. because thats what I am use to. Some day I might have a senior moment and hook the battery up backwards. Any way, thank you for that part number. As to my other Question, will I have to Polarize the Generator at the voltage reg. after installing the New voltage regulator ???????????? Thanks for your help ! Dan the Autonut
  2. I need to replace a voltage regulater for my 1940 ply. p-10 sedan. does anyone know if there is a part number for these? I changed the Positive Gd. to Nagitive Gd. will this have any effect on the voltage regulater? Will I need to Polorize the regulater when I put on the new one?? Need some input on this fellows. Thanks, Dan the Autonut
  3. One might suspect a faulty amp. guage, except that the battery does go dead and needs to be charged after driving the car. I sometimes have used a 12 volt bat. to start the car because it starts hard. If when using a 6 volt battery the car does not start right up it drags the 6 volt right down. Thanks for your input, Dan the Autonut
  4. Hey fellows, I finaly found that the water leak was coming from around the water pump shaft. I put on a new water pump and no more leaks. Now I am having a electrical problem. At firist I thought the generator was not puting out, so I took it in and had it tested and they said that it was good. Let me back up. I failed to mention that when I started the car the battery showed discharge on the ampmeter. When I revved up the engine the needle only moved half way to where it should be to show a normal reading. After driving it around the block a few times the battery would become depleated. The next thing I did was to polarize the generator by touching the starter lead on the regulater to the armature lead . The ampmeter guage then registered normal,but only for a few seconds, then went back to showing discharge. This is driving me bookers! I would appreciate any suggestions any one can give me. Dan, the (frustrated) Autonut
  5. You may be right Ed, it does look like the thermostat housing neck needs to be angled forward more than it is. I just assumed that was the housing that came with that engine. You never know what,s been done to a car when you buy one that old. Do the thurmostat housings have a part # on them?? It will take 7 to 10 days to get my new water pump. I will let everyone know how the job turns out. Thanks for your input. Dan the Autonut
  6. Thanks guys your problably right. It could have been the wrong picture. I gave them the Napa part numbers so I think they looked up the right pump. I am still borthered by the fact that the top radiater hose does not line up with the thurmostat housing outlet.To keep the kink out of the hose I had to buy a hose that had the curve and cut it down to fit the offset. Guess I,ll go ahead and order the water pump from Napa and hope the pitcher on the computer was wrong. Dan the Autonut
  7. It,s me again; In trying to locate a water pump replacement I found that the bottom hose from the radiater hooked to the water pump on the drivers side of the pump ( according to the picture that Napa had on their computer ). mine hooks up on the passanger side. This makes me wonder if the radiater is the orginal. I noticed the hose on the top of the radiater did not line up directly with the thermostat housing outlet. Can anyone tell me what side of the radiater the bottom hose comes off of???????? Driver,s side or passenger side????????? Dan the Autonut:confused:
  8. Thanks for those part numbers, this will make things a lot easyer! You guys are grrrrreate!! Dan the Autonut
  9. Thanks claybill, for the info. Dan the Autonut
  10. Thanks Andyd; I will check with Napa tomorow. Dan the Autonut
  11. Looking for a water pump for a 1940 Ply. p-10 sedan. Does any one know were I can find one?? I don't know what size my orignal engine is but I think It might be a 234. Also, can anyone tell me what other year water pumps would fit my forty ?? I would appreciate any help you can give. Dan the Autonut
  12. Never mind. I screwed up. I had a senior momment,the trunk handle I was talking about was actualy the one for my 41 chev coupe. Sorry if I caused anyone any inconvienence. Thats what I get for trying to multi-task. Embarrased, Dan the Autonut
  13. When I step on the brakes of my 1940 P-10 the dash lights come with the brake lights. I really need to do something about that. Anyway Ed, good luck finding the parts that you need. Dan the Autonut
  14. Thanks BobT I will look into that. Dan the Autonut
  15. Hi Bob; Could you tell me where you obtained the exploded veiw of the trunk handle you gave to Don Jordan ??? HE posted on 8/8/10. I am trying to get a exploded view of a trunk handle for a 1940 P-10 sedan. I have the handle in parts and I want to make sure every thing is there. The handle I have dos'nt look like the one you gave to Don. Would much appreciate your help. Dan the Autonut
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