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About KreepyDeluxe

  • Birthday 01/17/1977

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  • Biography
    I am a huge fan of everything Kustom.
  • Occupation
    Freelance Illustrator/Sign Painter


  • Location
  • Interests
    Painting, Hot Rods, Computer Design
  1. Hi Pual i dont know all of my family comes from Canada but you never now maybe some were down the line there mite be a connection .thanks Ed

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  2. On my 47 P15 I installed a small metal filter between the tank and the pump on the upper inside of the frame rail, then hung my carter glass bowl off the carb. I did all this after a good acid bath and neutralizer of the tank. I figure the glass will let me know when the metal is full up on crap. Then I can replace the metal one for like 8 bucks and clean out the carter and back on the road. Easy to get to, easy to change and no heat problems. Good luck on it.
  3. Thanks for the great link greg!
  4. Wow guys! Thanks for the warm welcome. I better ne careful or I might end up spending too much time on here. James- Glad to know that there is another p-15 in town. Thanks again guys!
  5. yeah the rocker not the trim. i will need the trim at some point but i need a rocker panel for the trim to go on first i suppose.
  6. Robert- yea most of the chrome is there. Its a bit beat up but its there. I am missing the pass rocker trim and pass rear quarter trim. but I think thats it. Norm- Yea that was a lot of fun. Although I am not a fan of the fairgrounds. Liked it better on the lake.
  7. Hey y'all I am needing to get passenger side rockers for my P-15 4-Dr. I found some that say they fit "CHRYSLER 1942, CHRYSLER 1946, CHRYSLER 1947, CHRYSLER 1948, DESOTO 1942, DESOTO 1946, DESOTO 1947, DESOTO 1948, DODGE 1942, DODGE 1946, DODGE 1947, DODGE 1948, PLYMOUTH 1942, PLYMOUTH 1946, PLYMOUTH 1947, PLYMOUTH 1948" Is this right? Are the rockers the same for all these years? Many thanks for any info. Kreepy
  8. Thanks guys! Yeah, I read the post...I'm not a spammer. But I do plug myself and my business quite shamelessly. I am just getting started on my car, bought her a month ago and two weeks later I lost my job. Forcing me into a life of freelance art. That is stating very slow. Wife says we have to pay the bills before buying parts for the car so...now she sits waiting for me to sell some art for rocker panels. I have started a build log (sort of) on my blog at www.kreepys.com. I will post more pics as I progress and share them with y'all. Kreepy
  9. Hey guys Wanted to post and say hello. My name is Joe, I go by Kreepy, I am a pinstriper (who isn't these days huh?), Painter, designer. I have loved cars for as long as I can remember. Although, I am a little green when it comes to working on cars and such. I recently purchased a '47 P-15 from a buddy of mine. Pretty good shape, a few major things and a ton of minor but an ambitious first project. I am lucky enough to have it at a shop with access to all the tools I need. I am really glad to have found this place and I am looking forward to the forum.
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