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  1. vintage6t's post in Leads on Repro Oil Dipsticks? was marked as the answer   
    I used this dipstick as a replacement. It was a good fit for the hole in the block. I don't recall if I had to cut it for length or not. You will have to do an oil change and add the correct amount of oil to mark it accurately for full.
  2. vintage6t's post in '49 - '52 Chrysler / Dodge dimension request was marked as the answer   
    I get 21-13/16" in the requested direction, pinch weld edge to edge. Again this is from a convertible so it may be worth verifying it's the same tank as yours. Pics of measurement attached as well as an under car shot.




  3. vintage6t's post in P15 1948 starter motor question was marked as the answer   
    What gauge are your battery cables? Typical 12 volt 4 ga cables are not large enough to carry enough current for the starter. For 6 volts you should be using 00 ga. Also make sure your battery ground has a good chassis/engine connection.
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