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Everything posted by FMSPEED49

  1. pulled dist, looked good, but figured while its out i might as well get all new parts . waiting on all new replacment parts, be here tommorow, figured if i have it out, its all getting changed, so if that don't help i'll head towards the fuel side, as far as it having a governer, not that ive ever seen, and i rewire the whole car, so i'm thinking, no.
  2. bout 74 k, fuel seems ok till then, but it put a gauge on it.
  3. a little different
  4. Fuel pump is new, the brass screen and sedement bowl are clean, the float is set to the book, and clean, the throttle hit wide open. carb ( standard 1 bbl) been gone thru and rebuilt.plugs are showing a nice light brown. I'll try to describe the problem a little better, at 61 mph, it almost cuts out like it has a governer, power drop off completely, and pops quite a bit, almost if u will like you pulled the wire off the dizzy, acts just like it has a governer. at 55 mph, if u punch it, it pulls fine all the way to 61. reminds me of the governer on a new car, when u 95 it cuts the coil, drop out of it and its fine. its got me stumped, but i guess this IS NOT NORMAL from this motor eh?
  5. OK, first post, but was refered here for an answer,any help would be apreciated. thanks in advance. 1949 Wayfarer, stock everything, 110lbs compression, new points, new cap/rotor, new condensor, rebuilt carb, valves set, timing set over and over. 3 speed fluid drive. new wiring, 15" 225 tires, vacume advance working well. new fuel pump, new lines, cleaned and vated tank. new plugs. new wires. fluid in coupler changes to tracker oil w/ low foam. Runs like a champ till 61 mph, then falls off, like its is floating the valves. First gear 21 mph, second 31 mph, third is 61mph. up hill down hill, she don't care. Is this just all there is, or do I have somthing wrong, possibly weak valve springs? or am i missing somthing
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