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  • Biography
    We have a 47 D-24 3 window coupe that is being customized
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  • Interests
    The Dodge, Woodworking, Grandkids
  1. I am already stove up and with everything that is wrong with me I am going to keep some hand tools and some of the smaller power tools to work on what ever needs to be done but I am going to start volenteering as a Veterans Service Officer at the Prison and the Mission to keep myself real busy with out having to get dirty or banged up. Gumpa
  2. I am known a bobbing bobcat on the first attempt. I got them all. Gumpa. Pretty good for an old fart.
  3. These are the same thing I have attached to the wing windows of the doors I got in Colorado. I don't know what use they have but they are attached to both wing windows.
  4. I can't bring the 52 Ford Pickup home to work on until the Dodge is done. The Dodge is going to be the Wife's car. When the Pickup is done I am selling off all the tools (Woodworking and Auto/sheetmetal) and we are going to sell the place and move into something smaller and easier to keep up. We are both getting to old to ride a lawn mower to mow 2 full acres and the up keep on this place is killing both of us.
  5. Sounds good to me. I could really use the space it is taking up. I certainly don't want to cut it up and scrap it. Gumpa
  6. The floor is getting completely replaced so mounts aren't a problem. We will be z ing the frame in the rear and using the Dakota Rear end. I pulled the stock frame and have it sitting out side. The only thing wrong with it is some one in the past cut the trans cross member out of it and the steering is real sloppy. I already own the Dakota and the 5.0 so I have to use what we have. Gumpa
  7. I also had a birthday on the 29th. I made it to 57 and I have been basically retired all my life. I get social security and VA disability. I never have time to get anything done. I will sure be glad when I can take a vacation from my retirement so I am not quite so tired. Gumpa
  8. It is only $5150.00 US
  9. I am wondering if anyone has put a Dakota Frame under their D-24 and if the have used a Ford 5.0 in that application. Now before someone gets all upset about the Ford Dodge thing please understand that this is what we have to work with and can't afford to change our minds anymore. I have already changed horses once more than my wife can handle. My questions would be: how much can I move the 5.0 back to clear the crossmember and have room for the radiator in the stock location and what exaust manifolds or headers do I need to make it work right around the starter and steering. I am not new to rebuilding but I have never did this exchange before.
  10. I found it when I was chasing rust before I decided to replace the entire floor. Sorry about two posts but I guess I will try harder next time.
  11. On our 47 D-24 Coupe the serial number is also stamped on the rocker panel of the passeger side door under the plate that holds the rubber mat down.
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