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Andy Lorenzen

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10 Good

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  • Biography
    I am the caretaker of a pretty much original 48 club coupe with sixty eight k original miles
  • Occupation
    Commercial/Industrial HVAC Technician


  • Location
    central Massachusetts forty miles west of Boston
  • Interests
    Old cars,trucks,boats etc....
  1. Concidered a U haul unit with a car trailer? I've done it a couple of times with great success Penski and Ryder also have car trailers
  2. A Masshole is a term of endearment for some
  3. New on ebay today is a 1939 rumble seat coupe, I was unaware that a rumble seat was available in 39, the car is located one town away from me I'm tempted to see if maybe this was a long ago custom added feature
  4. 40 miles west of Boston and no stranger to what we call pizza here and never heard of side orders to pizza other than Rolaids
  5. Ashburnham Massachusetts, 45 miles west of Boston Teddy Kenedy country
  6. Invisible guy?.....I guess so ,Now that I realize how close it is to me (in Mass.) I'm going to try to go ,I'm sufferin from serious cabin fever ,although I did run my 48 in the driveway yesterday
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