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Everything posted by bts_dodge49

  1. Ya, unfortunately.... always sink more in than you can ever get out.
  2. Selling my truck - probably should post in for sale??? Thanks all for any technical help you have sent my way.. http://hamilton.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-classic-cars-1949-Dodge-Other-Pickups-W0QQAdIdZ210131678
  3. Just wondered how James Douglas made out with his Holley Weber? I'm trying to use the same carb on a 230 CI and running into similar issues. James, did you scrap it and go with 2 webers, or did you find the single sufficient? Thanks, Todd
  4. Thanks Don and Greg. Plugs look tan to white, and I initailly thought the same...running rich. This smoke is definitely blue... Sounds like the valve guides. Is this a big deal to change? Any quick fix? I'll look for the thread by James... It sounds like I should think about another carb??? You are right, the Holley Weber I have is for the small 4 cyl. Any carb suggestions? Right now I just want to stick with the single carb. Thanks, Todd
  5. Hello all, couple of questions hopefully someone can help me with: First, I have the 230 CI which runs good except for a small smoking issue I can't seem to narrow down. When I sit and idle for a while I get a good puff of blue smoke when taking off. Compression is between 105 and 120. I'm not adding oil so I can't figure out where it's coming from. Could one of the piston rings be passing some oil? Why only idling? Second, I have the Holley Weber from Langdon. Does anybody know from experience what jets I should be using in this? I have to run with half choke all the time....not rich enough. Thanks again everyone...awesome website. Todd
  6. Thanks, emailed Tom and he is asking for "cam (chrome plated) stamp number do you have & weight stamp number". Where is the "cam stamp number"? Does anybody have one of Langdon's HEI's handy to post both numbers or are they unique to each distributor he sells?
  7. Thanks guys.... any idea where I could get a proper set of springs? Should I get them from Tom Langdon or source myself?
  8. Hello all, hope the holidays seasaon finds everyone well!! Quick question regarding Langdon's HEI... I know there has been a number of discussions on this already. The question, do I need the mechanical advance on this distributor. I read a thread where Marty didn't use mechanical, just vacuum. What is your experience. The reason I'm asking is the HEI I got from Langdon did not have springs on the weights. If I don't need the mechanical I will just tie wrap them...if I do, then what do you recommend as far as spring sets go? Thanks Todd
  9. Thanks guys.... this gives me a good idea of where I can run this safely. It's deceiving because at 45 Mph it sounds like it's revving pretty good..
  10. Hi Reg, tires are 235/15. What would be redline on a stock flathead?? Thanks
  11. Any idea what RPM you would be turning at 55 Mph with 4.11 and 15" tires? What is red-line for these flat heads? Any idea what a comfortable crusing RPM you should shoot for? Thanks,
  12. Thanks...any idea how it works? Heat activated spring that moves the arm on warm-up? Do they work well, or should I stick with the manual choke?
  13. Hello everyone...anybody have any idea what this is on my exhaust manifold? Thanks
  14. Another quick question. I purchased an internal bypass water pump for my external bypass engine. I blocked the bypass hole on the back of the water pump and plumbed the thermostat bypass as before. Does anybody see any issues with this? Thanks,
  15. Thanks, I appreciate it....
  16. Hello all, would anyone have pictures of where the weather stripping goes around the doors for the 49 Dodge B1B? I took pictures of everything else but that, and I can't for the life of me figure out where the pieces go... Thanks ... Todd
  17. Not much at all, I'm only about a couple of hours away...
  18. Yes, had it on a 49 Dodge B1B. Clamps and support brackets included
  19. Stainless Grill Bars for Pilothouse Dodge Truck 1949-51 Item number: 150079312843 Original Vintage Sun Visor for Chevy, Ford, Dodge Item number: 150079307731
  20. I have a couple of items I'm considering selling on ebay and not sure what to ask. What would be a fair price for the following? The stainless grill bars are in good condition with a only couple of dings, most have the mounting clips on the back. The visor was off my 1949 Pilothouse, originally from a mid 40's chev car. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
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