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About dmulhall

  • Birthday 12/06/1981

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  • Gender
  • My Project Cars
    Tractors and 50 b2b

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  • Biography
    Have a young family that includes a B2B
  • Occupation
    Truck Driver


  • Location
    Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Interests
    Working on my B2B, my 2 kids and wonderful wife

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  1. Thanks guys
  2. I'm looking to do a cherokee rearend swap and locally I can only find cherokee with a 5 speed tranny that would make the rear ends be 3.07 gearing... I have a 50 b2b with a industrial 251 and three speed...I'm thinking the 251 should be big enough to handle the 3.07 but I've been reading that guys are alot happier with the 3.55 I would appreciate any thoughts or experience...I know the braking conversation with drum brakes already Thanks
  3. Haha thanks buddy I'm in prince albert sask...119.9
  4. Usually carb float is set too low ..was my problem at higher rpm
  5. So I've put about 600 miles on my b2b without a issue what so ever...decided to make a 60 mile drive to a car show this evening on a windy cloudy afternoon.. Get about 10 miles out of town,pull a bit of a hill and engine quits...get out open the hood,is it electrical or fuel??? Pull a plug wire off,turned it over, yup have spark (must be fuel) So I take the top off my carb and it's dry...not getting fuel...what do I do? Like anyone would guess, pull off the inline filter and blow through it...no issues...fuel line is flowing $1.20/liter (canadian) fuel all over the highway so fuel line isn't plugged..?? Hummm...fuel pump come loose or diaphragm broke? (Which would upset me cause it has about 300 miles on it and I run MMO in every tank so the elthenol doesn't dry out the diaphragm) Nope bolts are tight..now what? Pull the fuel pump off and the arm is loose...under closer inspection the pin came 3/4 of the way out that let's the arm pivot..put it back together...prime the carb...fires right up..purrs like a kitten... Now the question...do I continue the next 40 miles to the show? Do I head home?? (Meanwhile all the car guys have been stopping and driving by laughing at my old little truck. The thought went through my mind maybe keep going and show them it WOULD and could make the trip!! But I decide to swallow my pride and turn around and head home...so now INTO the 30mph wind.. Approx 3 miles back home my visor comes off the passenger side and starts flapping in the wind...so pull over put it back on (tarp strap it down for good measure) fire it up pull back into traffic...about 2 miles later poof, drivers side of the visor pops off and starts flapping in the wind...pull over AGAIN... Take the whole visor off, lay it on my passenger side and drive the remaining 5 miles back home with the tail between my legs...oh boy... Now sitting here with a beer in my hand deciding if it's OK to jb weld that fuel pump pin in so it doesn't come out again...??
  6. I have been in the habbit of keeping a bottle of mmo under my seat and adding a few ounces every fill up...pulled the plugs the other day just for fun and they all look brand new... I'm a believer...especially for keeping the fuel pump from drying out
  7. amsoil zrod here as well
  8. thanks Merle I think I read a post on checking the gauge...and it does peg out when you ground out the sending wire.. how would a person determine if a brand new sending unit is shorting out? and maybe prove it to get a new one on warrenty haha
  9. fuel gauge quit working some time ago...figured it was the sending unit (b2b 1-wire) ordered a new sending unit from roberts..got it in the mail a few months back...got excited for new parts in the mail...that day went out and installed the new sending unit, turned the key on and the gauge read about 3/4. I thought that was about right from how long ago I fueled up.. next day I went for a drive and it was continually reading full...now...no matter what it always reads full... when I pull out the sending unit with the key on, and the rod hits the side of the tank opening...the guage hits full like the wire is arcing out... unscrew the wire from sending unit and ground it, gauge instantly hits full... I tried running a ground wire from the sending unit to a good ground but it didnt fix anything... only thing I can think of is maybe something wrong with the gauge? or maybe the sending unit is bad? but brand new? thanks in advance
  10. make sure to drink lots of vico and wear your bunny hug and tuke when you come visit haha
  11. we will be ouuut and aboot when dat there winter dar is over
  12. if any of the canadian (or american) guys are interested I created a facebook page called Dodge Pilothouse Trucks Canada I think its about time us Canadians should be standing up and getting together!!
  13. according to the gps on my phone I have had it up to 69mph but she was sweating pretty good haha
  14. all my brakes are rebuilt and new pads...set up fairly well..petal is about 3 inches from the top... kingpins have been done and it drives straight with no play... 50-55mph feels about right
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