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  1. FarmerJon's post in Failed Speedi-Sleeve was marked as the answer   
    Called a vibration damper Hub '37-48 dodge, 42-48 plymouth 677540

  2. FarmerJon's post in what year overdrive for my 49 plymouth was marked as the answer   
    The overdrive I got came from a '55. It is an R10-g1, and is the same length as my '48 transmission.
    I havent gotten mine rebuilt and swapped in yet, however.
    When i was on the hunt, I was under the impression that all the r10g1 transmissions would fit, although ones from dodges have the long input shaft for fluid drive.
    The '56 or '57 cars got the R11, and it is not a direct fit in the early cars.
  3. FarmerJon's post in Won't Rev 2.0 was marked as the answer   
    Are you currently running points or Pertronix?
    If points, check your condenser with a multimeter. 
    If running Pertronix,  swap your points back in and test.
    If the problem is the same with both then you can move on.
    Pulling the distributor out and apart is fairly easy. Cleaning and lubing the advance weights wouldn't hurt. Check that the points plate can move free and smooth. Check that your vacuum canister is not leaking air.
    Check points gap on all 6 lobes. 
    Check that the wires inside are not shorting out and are attached tightly. 
    What is your base timing set at?
    Outside of ignition, 
    Are your valves recently adjusted? 
    Does the engine have a good ground?
    Unrelated,  what transmission do you have with a 4th gear, that you start off in 3rd?
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