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  • My Project Cars
    1950 Plymouth P19 biz coupe


  • Location
    Under the X in Texas
  • Interests
    Wheel man from Chicago

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  1. Mr Tech to the rescue, thanks.
  2. How would I gauge that in an M6 Fluid Matic?
  3. Thanks Marc. I presume that pedal movementwould stay the same. Helps greatly to hear ALL transmissions '46-50 are the same. The '52 linkage however is definitely different from your description.
  4. I have a '52 Chrysler Saratoga with the M6 "Fluid Matic" transmission. One would assume there should be some amount of free play for the clutch pedal movement. I can't find a spec anywhere including in my '53 Chrysler Shop Manual. Had the linkage out today with the turnbuckle so I could clean up the threads and apply anti-sieze and make it possible to do the adjustment. Now I just need a measurement. Since I bought the car there has been NO freeplay. As of late today there is too much. What did the factory have in mind here? Thank you.
  5. Because the "already rebuilt" DeSoto parts are already paid for and would be a significant upgrade in swept surface area. Thanks.
  6. I have a stock running P19 busines coupe and just purchased a '55 DeSoto running Hemi parts car. The plan should be obvious. Out with the '50 flat six and in with the '55 Hemi. Much improved brakes should be a priority here. The Plym has 10x2" original brakes, DeSoto has freshly built 12 x 2.5 brakes. Can I bolt up the backing plates of the DeS and use the bigger DeS shoes and drums onto the Plym king pin /spindle? Or, are the DeS spindles longer and heavier diameter for the hubs and bearings? I would have zero additional cost using DeS parts if possible. The question might become whether I need to change out the king pin /spindle AND the HD DeSoto coil spring to complete this upgrade. Your experienced knowledgeable comments needed and appreciated! Thanks
  7. I've always called it an ignition wire loom. Used on the Mopar flat sixes for DECADES.
  8. https://www.parts123.com/parts123/yb.dll?parta~partsort Look at this Max Merrit page. Or, look at "Flex Chrome" website, the chromed vinyl stuff, many types of which are on ebay. It is very reasonably priced, some places sell by the foot. There are multiple profiles available. I've used flex chrome product several times. It is actually more brilliant than my stainless! WAY back my first car was a '38 Dodge sedan so I had to come in on your thread. Good luck.
  9. Graefen

    Tube tires

    Best 600x16 radial: Diamond Back Auburn Deluxe. I've already purchased two sets of these for two cars. LOVE THEM.
  10. The '50 Plym biz coupe
  11. Genuine.jfif
  12. Bought this 35K mile all factory original '52 Saratoga coupe yesterday after discovering it 30 miles from my home. Looking forward to enjoying it. 1952-Chrysler-Saratoga-american-classics--Car-101576548-d233756120c0221f32ab253a07b0b5fe.webp
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