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    1941 sedan

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    self employed


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  1. Thanks so much for response

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  2. thanks very much ordered oillite bushing didnt know piano wire would work thanks so much for reply old mopar number for spring is 858156 it was superceded figured plymouth was same
  3. Does anybody know if Plymouth used same torsion spring and bushing on the 3 speed rod that goes thru firewall have Mopar number for 41 dodge spring hold it in neatral position and bushing housing is welded to steering jacket can’t find these 2 parts and shifter rod bushing lets it walk too much it’s numbers 43-44 in parts manual called gearshift rod bearing Mopar 857477 and spring is 866566 just need to know if Plymouth has diff numbers I’m stumped
  4. need to know if i can make bushing for gearshift rod or is it a bearing it flops and will not pull back to get reverse and first its number 44 in parts book and its called both cant find one also return spring thats under the bearing is broke cant find it also
  5. its the gearshift controll bearing if your rod is flopping im looking for 1 now with no luck keeps rod true when pulling back item number 44 on parts book
  6. im having same problem look at my ad under luxury liner need help rod bearing moves wont let bottom linkage move
  7. sparks

    Newer coil

    Yes sir and now cant get any lights to burn...dk why 1 headlight is dated 3-21-1940 lol oh well
  8. sparks

    Newer coil

    Thank you very much the other owner i purchased from is in nursing home and couldnt ask all these questions I'm needing answered
  9. I see where someone stated if removing firewall coil on my 41 dodge to run ign wire to -side of new coil and + side of coil to distributor is this right mine was originally opposite of this and -going to distributor what would it have done and yes its original 6 volt pos ground and it had ign wire going to positive post on coil
  10. thanks so much for replys love my 41s not so much for replacement parts have a 2door with roll down back windows and 4 door love the suicide doors when get running driving will be selling 1 to recoupe some cost dk values but will be listing original will keep posted cars are considerably solid
  11. not just that the 6 volt wiring in general
  12. does this control dome wow im stumped also what is the wire guage thank you
  13. sorry 1941 luxury liner
  14. could someone please explain toggle switch below key switch looks original and thought could be dome light flips left and right with center rest
  15. sparks


    where to get interior parts for 41 sedan carpet seat etc
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