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Philthy Phil

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  • My Project Cars
    Australian Desoto Diplomat


  • Location
  • Interests
    Classic Cars, Rum, Classic Scooters, Guitar
  1. I just thought this was an old car thing. I've owned numerous classic scooters (Mainly Lambretta) and even with new cables and worm wheels etc they still bounced all over the place.
  2. Cheers Andy. Yeah I think the bumpers are still there although they may be a bit past their best. I'll have a look agin next weekend and see what happens when I start adjusting the bolts. It seems that some holes are slotted so I imagine that will be for adjustment. Thanks for replying
  3. Hi everyone. A rookie question here. I've searched the forum but can't find any related question so I hope I'm asking in the right place. I'm trying to adjust the hood/ bonnet on my Aussie 56 DeSoto Diplomat I'm not sure if its the same hinges etc as the Plymouth Belvedere. As you look at the front of the car the bonnet sits quite a bit to the right and is quite low sitting below the fender line. Theres hardly any gap between the bonnet and the right fender (looking at the front) but quite a large gap on the other side. I can't figure out how to adjust the hinges. Can anyone help please?
  4. Thanks Andy. Nice to meet you.
  5. Cheers guys. So much to learn about them still.
  6. Hi Roger. Wow she's a great looking car. Congrats on the award ? I recently picked up a '56 Aussie Desoto Diplomat Custom. I don't think she's in as good condition as yours but she runs well and is great fun.
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