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About Countryss

  • Birthday 11/19/1987

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  • My Project Cars
    1946 dodge deluxe


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  • Interests
    Fabricating, wood and metal

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  1. Just did mine. 5/16 all the way tank to carb. Got a 25'coil and had 3 connections at the tank, midway on rail, and at fuel pump
  2. Checked them. Both have washers and both tight
  3. Also yes there was fuel in intake upon removal
  4. Took carb apart and everything looked fine. Needle and seat is there and float is in hinge. Put it all back and hit throttle twice and it started coming out again. Also this isn't coming from dash pot but from underneath where throttle is
  5. Upon removal of top this is how I found it
  6. Ok so green wire on starter goes to sisston choke, one blue wire goes from relay to relay, other blue wire goes from relay to distributor and then i lose it in harness, square top relay is connected directly to battery
  7. Yes the carb has recently been rebuilt and cleaned. Swapping out the plugs, installing a pressure regulator to get me down to about 3.5psi, and opening up carb to see if there is anything that needs to be adjusted sounds like my course of action
  8. So I have gotten around to taking some pictures for you guys. As you can also see there is fuel seeping out from beneath carb. This can be replicated with engine off and by solely moving throttle. This is a stromberg bxvd-3
  9. I was asking what those parts served as. Also letting you know that car was converted to 12v neg so you have a background on the modifications
  10. Just converted car to 12v so that was in while car was 6v generator. I have fluid drive transmission
  11. Ordered the phonelic kit and extended manifold bolts. So while waiting for those parts to come in i started tinkering with some other stuff. I see the sqaure top relay is for the starter but what is the round one controlling?
  12. Gonna have to check tomorrow. Carb just got rebuilt and tested from a company in Cali.
  13. Ok gonna order the phonelic spacer and extended bolts from the stromberg website and try that out
  14. It is a fluid drive
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