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1949 p17

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  • Gender
  • My Project Cars
    1949 plymouth p 17 2 door fastback, 1951 chevy 2 door bel air, 1953 chevy 6400, 1962 chevy nova, 1972 ford f250

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  • Biography
    live in farm land in idaho wrenching on old cars
  • Occupation
    retired but still wrenching


  • Location
  • Interests
    swap meets, fishing, old cars, tea

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  1. we relocated the front shocks on a 49 plymouth p17 before we ever drove the car. it rode stiff and felt every bump. we took them off and put gas shocks in the stock location. it glides down the road. the same bumps are hardly noticeable. we know connecting the a arms with a shock is odd, but it works, at least for us.
  2. just wanted to say thank you for the previous posts about steering gear box adjustment. the cap unscrewed easily and the star washer lifted right off. it is even marked this side up. we adjusted it to just a nibble of free play. it made a huge improvement. we filled the steering box with really good quality grease. thank you again for all the posts that help us all fix our cars and trucks.
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  3. we made the license plate holder. thank you for your help.
  4. thank you very much for the picture. we know how to make a bracket like the one in the picture.
  5. we are finally going to put the 49 plymouth p17 on the road. our state requires a front license plate. we are not going to drill holes in a one year only ribbed bumper. we looked on line and see vintage cars velcro the license plate on. may we need to make a bracket that attaches from behind the bumper. what is your solution?
  6. would the windshield divider strip that holds the rear view mirror on a 1949 plymouth also fit a 1950 plymouth convertible?
  7. have you found an electric wiper motor to replace the vacuum wiper motor? our car is a 1949 p-17.
  8. what are you using for door and trunk seals? they need to be 1/2 inch thick.
  9. french lake auto didn't have a rear glass. we have been looking for 8 years. still looking. may have to use 1/4 inch plexiglass and a heatgun.
  10. thank you.we looked up the vehicle number. we just need to know if it is early or late 1949. french lake auto is asking for early or late to find us a rear window.
  11. how do you decode the vin on a 1949 plymouth?
  12. does anyone have a front windshield to make a paper template from a 1949 p17 windshield? the windshield was missing from the car when we bought it. we have a glass guy to cut glass for us.
  13. we drive a 1949 plymouth p17 2 door fastback with a 200 six and a small c-4. it just drives so nice and smooth. plenty of power and fits the engine compartment without cutting up anything. the steering is all stock. the engine is so light we has to use aerostar front coils with one coil cut off to get to sit level. it has a 1962 nova differential. we made the engine mounting brackets. you can watch the videos on you tube. classics rule is the channel.
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