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Buddy Wilson

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Everything posted by Buddy Wilson

  1. Bob, First chance I've had to get on the computer & says THANKS for the calendar! It's great & will look super hanging in my office. Buddy
  2. Thanks Mike & Reg. Reg - I sent you a pm email (I think?).
  3. You wouldn't happen to have a good front bumper left in yours parts pile would you?
  4. Thanks Rich - that's what I was looking for.
  5. Thanks for the replies. You guys are right I should probably keep the foot starter - I grew up (started driving a hay truch when I was 5 or 6) using trucks with these starters - but I hadn't thought of the nostalgia thing. Anyway I wasn't sure if the bellhousing bolt pattern would be the same for both types of starters. Short of finding a parts truck (I've only seen three Pilothouses in my area & I have one of them) with electric wiper motors anyone know of a conversion for vacuum. Thanks again! Buddy
  6. After looking at some of the dressed up flatheads over on the car side I'm seriously considering keeping the one in my truck. If I do I would like to convert the foot operated starter solenoid to one that I could use a key or button to activate - is that possible? any hints, part numbers etc would be greatly appreciated. Also, has anyone converted from the vacuum wipers to electric? Thanks, Buddy
  7. Thanks Bob, that does help.
  8. Sorry guys, I know this has been addressed here many times but I just can't seem to determine which engine I have. The serial number on the left front side of teh block is D42-404402-B. The engin is 23" long. The truck is a 1952 B-3-B. Any help is greatly appreciated. Buddy
  9. On Christmas Eve I received my DPETCA packet with the Dodge truck calendar inside - very nicely done! So: Thank you Bob - not just for the calendar but for all the work you do behind the scenes to make this forum & the club web site what it is!!
  10. Hey guys, what about the plates on the outside of the fenders where the brace bolts come thru - I assume these were added as an attemp to cure the rusting problem discussed in another thread? Did the trucks ever come from the factory that way? Buddy
  11. Looks great Dave, my SASE is on the way. Thanks in advance!
  12. Dutch, That was my thoughts exactly, I plan on ordering from both Roberts & Steel based on the comments from the other guys. Buddy
  13. Thanks to all for your replies. I've printed all the replies so I can refer to them when I place my order.
  14. Have you had a chance to install your new window rubbers from Steel? If so what's your opinion of the fit/quality? If not please let us know when you do. I hope to be replacing all the window rubber fairly soon. Thanks.
  15. Thanks for the tip!
  16. Thanks Merle - I had not thought about using heat - I'll give it a try.
  17. Any tips on how to remove the wing vent glass without destroying it? I'd like to get it out in one piece so I can use it for a pattern.
  18. Thanks for the link! Holy Cow - can you tell I don't get on the other forum much. I didn't realize it had gotten so big. That's way kool. Maybe I'll see some of you guys when you're here. Do you know if anyone's bringing Pilot Houses?
  19. I know this is off topic but I thouht I'd pass it along anyway. On June 15th of this year the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce will be unburying a 1957 Ply. Hardtop Coupe as part of Oklahoma's Centennial. The car was new "with but a few miles on it" when it was buried in 1957 in a concrete vault that was coated using a gunite process - there is much speculation on what the car's condition will be. The newspaper had a picture of the car as it was being readied for burial & it's a kool looking car - whitewalls and all. According to the paper there will be some car shows planned around the event - "at least 6 national car clubs will exhibit". Buddy.
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