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Old Flathead

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  • Gender
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    Boise Idaho
  • My Project Cars
    1950 Plymouth Special Deluxe 2 Door

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  • Biography
    Car Guy
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  • Interests
    Cars, Guns, Snowboarding,

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  1. A 1951 Plymouth, 23 inch 218 will drop right in to a 1937 dodge, correct ? Sorry for probably being the 100th person to ask such a question.
  2. I'm going to do a front disc brake conversion on my 1950 Plymouth. I was initially going with SacreBird, but I just saw the complete kit including dual chamber Master Cylinder available from Andy Bernbaum. Does anyone have experience with their kit?
  3. Hi Bob, I just received the linkage from George Asche! Great quality and workmanship. Thanks for the information. I've really enjoyed talking to him. He just turned 90 years old and still working. I just sent him my B&B carbs to match. He's a wealth of knowledge.
  4. Bob, Thanks for this closeup photo! It was what I started to copy, and will If I can't get a complete set up from George.
  5. Yes,, I've read several posts about him and his intakes. Thats the setup I was going to copy. I have the base / bracket flange template made to copy in steel and have made a couple treaded rods lengths,, but George might have the complete set up ready to install.
  6. Thank you! I just talked with hm.
  7. Thanks, I didn't think they were still in business. If they are, I can't find them.
  8. That works,, thanks! I may have to fabricate the brackets,,,
  9. I have the Edmonds intake with no integral mounts. Has to be brakets attached to the he'd bolts, or a plate under the carbs.
  10. Thanks for the photos. From what i can tell, you are not using a stock bell crank mounted to a stud on the cylinder head? Is the rod connecting the 2 carbs supported by brackets on the Head bolts?
  11. I the same set up,, dual Ball & Ball on an Edmonds intake. But I have no linkage. Your photo really helped to get an idea of what is needed. Do you have any updated photo's you could share?
  12. Greetings,, I have 2 Ball & Ball carbs on an Edmonds intake on my 218. I need advice and/or pictures on the linkage set up. Here's some photos to show you how they attach. Thanks,, Eric 8E2EC9C0-BC47-4C4B-B277-93BA92D4D2CC.heic 62459D92-289E-47CD-8993-0530187A9093.heic
  13. grea235,,, I'm at the point on my 50 Plymouth to consider doing a shock relocation. I see this thread was almost two years ago. Do you have a long term report on the difference, better handling etc,, since you relocated the shock mounts? Thanks, Eric , Old Flathead
  14. Thanks Greg! Yes,, #1 is the OD Relay. There was a button under the dash. I hadn't known it's function. The 4 leads from the button go to the Relay, Coil and to the OD unit. I have driven the car and used overdrive. Never push that button. Always stopped to take it out of OD. Hope I didn't cause any damage. And the curled wired that is attached to the #3 spot, next to the fuse goes to a solenoid?
  15. Also,, I don't see 'Overdrive Relay' on my schematic?
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