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  • Biography
    I like cars and animals
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  • Location
    Middle TN
  • Interests
    CARS,CARS,CARS and Bass fiddle
  1. Sounds 180 out.
  2. Spray on bed liner works great both inside and underside of car. You can tint it to any color you like. I like the spray on better than the brush.
  3. Good come again. Let's coordinate. $20.00 will feed 4 tip included. 5 guys is great. Love those fries!
  4. If you use the round fuzzy dice with the brown centers no one will notice.
  5. Use the one you like most.
  6. Here in Tn it is cold and raining. Only warning we have is a winter storm warning for tonight. Maybe 2 inches or more of white stuff. Gota love that Tn weather. If not give it 15 min and it will change. THIS COULD BE GLOBAL WARMING that all of our old cars are causing?
  7. Just put a magneto in it!
  8. I have to agree with Bob on the Castle burgers. And a BIG 10-4 with Tim on the shake. My fav also. All of there deserts are good. We have a cruse every Sat at the one by my house starting in April. I hope Don C will come some this year. Bring a car and all food and drink is 1/2 price!!! That should get him here.
  9. As long as you know the 12 volt is 6 at the points it want matter. A lot of people have trouble with the pertronix because they use a stock coil or one that is not within ohm specs. Always get the pertronix coil that is a mate to the unit. I have seen them burn up in a matter of minutes when using the wrong coil.
  10. Just change the springs and weights.
  11. If you are using a ballast resistor it want matter. All points even on 12 volt systems are 6 volt. That is what the ballast is for.
  12. The stripper you are using is the best way. You could sand blast the smaller spots if needed. I would be careful of the primmer and paint I mix. For economy try out the tractor and implement paint at TSC. Nice stuff and lots of colors.
  13. Low compression could be caused by a burnt or bent valve or compression ring. Normally an oil ring problem will smoke all the time. A head problem will smoke on start up. Could be oil getting by the valve stem while not running?
  14. Put some paint in your gun and practice for what works best. Spray a old body panel or a large piece of cardboard. A good paint job is in the prep work. And most of all TAKE YOUR TIME! I have did some nice paint with a cheap gun from Walmart. Learn and know your gun. For spraying primer of any kind I use a gravity fed Campbell H. industrial type gun for farm use. Very cheap and inexpensive.
  15. Mine does this only if I let the tank run dry. After I refill and start the carb spills gas. I pull the needle and clean it and all is fine after that. Either the float is sticking on bottom or trash.
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