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Watash last won the day on June 8 2019

Watash had the most liked content!


18 Good

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Albuquerque, NM
  • Interests
    Music and internet
  • My Project Cars
    1952 Dodge Pickup B3B

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  • Biography
    Texas by birth, New Mexican by choice
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  • Location
    New Mexico
  • Interests
    Fly fishing

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  1. Roberts Motor parts has remanufactured hub cap copies.
  2. Consider me appeased
  3. Okay, great info, but this link is for truck photos.
  4. Yes, I will need to have it rewound.
  5. ivyolly52, I live in New Mexico as well. I also have a 52 Pilothouse in need of a starter. Did you ever find one and where did you get it? Thanks Watash
  6. My 52 B3B (Jakie) has a new home...
  7. 1950 B1-C from Brewer Oil Co. One of their original delivery trucks.
  8. Thank, I can't wait to give these a try.
  9. Update: I took the distributor off and cleans and reoiled. Someone before me had taken the connector between the points and coilwire off. I put in a new connector and rewired the points. To my surprise, the bottom plate was bent. Not sure how this could even happen. I attempted to straighten it and it took my vise and a good bit of pressure to get it close to normal. Anyway, checked connectivity after all was done and it checked out. Good connectivity from distributor wire to base and points. When points opened so was the current, so all seems well. Reinstalled the distributor and the system still did not fire. I am running the current through a resistor that knocks the voltage down to 6volts which is how it was wired when it was running. Pretty much at a loss at this point.
  10. 1952 B3B...pretty darn good shape for 67 years...I found the turn signal lights and have wired them just not installed as of yet.
  11. Plymothy Adams, back to the "flexible" wire. Isn't it a ground wire anyway between the two plates?
  12. Conversion is done. Thanks for info.
  13. Ken, thanks for the insight.
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