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Update - "AoK - New Dual Carb intake for the USA flathead 6"

Well it has been a while since we last checked in with the progress report on the New AoK intake.

As does happen some things just throw a curve ball into a project and the water jacket feature was our

curve ball. We have a perfectionist as our pattern maker and while it didn't increase in price, he most certainly

put in a ton of extra time trying to come up with a solution to the water jacket "perfect solution".

The perfect solution really became comprised of two factors.

1) We asked if it was possible and if so how much of a deal would it be to have 1 set of molds, that allowed

for the creation of the intake without and then with the water jacket.

We were doing that based on a pretty much split down the middle in response from customers on what they would

ideally like to have.

2) Was is there any difference in having the water tube integrated on the outside or the inside.

If it is on the inside it would look better as things are a little more hidden and we don't have any issue

with the it interfering with linkage required for vehicles needing linkage on the outside of the intake such as trucks.

So between #1 and #2 we went from being a couple of weeks ahead when we were ready for a 1st cast early in January, to

being a month or so behind. Lol.. welcome to the world of trying to make as perfect a part as you can.

Now for the good news: The final molding (not just the prototype molding) is now finished and what we hope is the final intake

before going to production with be cast this week.

AoK dual carb intake pattern for the Plymouth and Dodge 23 1/2" engine

AoK dual carb intake pattern for the Plymouth and Dodge 23 1/2" engine

It will be shipped to us to be checked over, then machined to make sure it is 100% in line with the specs.

Then assuming its two thumbs up we will go into production casting the intake without the water jacket.

No, don't panic, we will then insert the add on mold piece and be able to cast the intake with the water jacket.

So we are making progress and the there are some great things coming from the process but it is taking time.

Expected shipping of intakes to customers... still shooting for April time frames.



This is a picture of our AoK triple for the big block. It has a set of AoK headers made from a stock exhaust manifold.

Customer wanted white !

Aok triple with headers for Chrysler/Desoto/Dodge truck - 25 1/2" Canadian Big Block

These two pictures are the AoK triple on Tim Kingsbury (my) 1949 Plymouth Business coupe. It gives you a good idea what the headers

look like mounted on the car. Personally I prefer the look over other headers as it provides more of a period look and provides the same performance results.

Aok triple with headers for Chrysler/Desoto/Dodge truck - 25 1/2" Canadian Big Block - mounted on a 265ci Dodge truck engine

Aok triple with headers for Chrysler/Desoto/Dodge truck - 25 1/2" Canadian Big Block - mounted on a 265ci Dodge truck engine


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Just found a business coupe that someone has put a 230 ci motor and an overdrive in it which means I just have to have dual carbs and exhaust. Everyone has offy and fenton intakes. I want that cool factor I see when I see your AoK triple, therefore I am in. Just let me know when your ready for us to send money because I am sold ! Intake, carbs, linkage, those cast iron headers you guys make.What is the total package worth anyways ?

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Let me know too.  I would love to add duel carbs with something different.  

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Posted (edited)

I will add you both to the list to let you know when we are ready to ship !  In terms of pricing I will drop you a note.  I will put  pictures on this blog entry (above)  of our big block AoK triple with the headers. Obviously these would be for the small block (23 1/2" Plymouth/Dodge engine) but would have a  similar look.



Edited by timkingsbury
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  • Howdy  Folks -  The new intake is coming... honest..

The pattern was completed late in February, and was sent over to be cast.  A 1st intake was cast, and there was a very minor issue we wanted corrected. That took place and the pattern was actually back in the hand of the casting  hands by the 1st week in March.


Sadly,the gentleman who does our casting had a wife who has been long battling cancer, and she has passed away, which unfortunately has taken him out of action.  It really brings home how important things in life like intakes really are.   Needless to say the casting of the intakes has not taken place as our good

friend has had to deal with the passing of his best friend and wife.


The good news, is  I did hear from him today, and he thinks he will be up to getting what we anticipate as

the final test intake and we hope to see it shipped to us this coming week.


We wont have the intakes ready by this coming weeks  Spring  Carlisle.  In fact,  for this an a couple of

other reasons  we wont have the AoK booth at Spring  Carlisle this year.  George has sub'd  out the 3 spots.


For those patiently waiting,  please,  still don't send $$$   I want to know we have the intakes in hand

and ready to have machined before we "unleash the hounds".


Again, my  apologies.. I truly thought we would have them ready to ship right now.


Tim Kingsbury &  George Asche

AoK  Racing & Performance Parts

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Hope all is well.  Any updates





38 Plymouth



Hi Steve -  still not ready to ship yet and I am scared to toss out a POD yet, which still means,  don't send payments or down payments yet !

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I am in! This looks like the perfect set up for my 1938 Dodge coupe.

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I am in! This looks like the perfect set up for my 1938 Dodge coupe.

That it should.  I will definitely reach out when they are completed.  Sadly Tom the guy who does our casting, despite saying he thought he was ready to get back to work after his wife passed away, hasn't yet.  His wife passing away has really hit him hard and he packed up and headed to a cabin he has in the woods.  We have reached out via his daughter to check on him and a week ago she said he had been helping a neighbor out by the cabin build a new road, and thought he would

be back home sometime in June. Obviously getting an intake completed pales to loosing ones wife, best friend and life partner. 


Sadly, we were literally at the stage where he just needed to cast the 1st batch of the intakes, get them to us to get machined and we were ready to officially take orders. The patterns are done, a whole bunch of foam cores were done, we are literally within sight of the finish line.  Just haven't

made it the last few feet.


No all that being said, I will definitely alert you the second we have some in hand to get machined. At that point we will be in a position to officially take orders.  In the mean time I truly am sorry for everyone who has been patiently waiting for these.





So, how do you get in touch with AoK  Racing & Performance Parts -  I would like to order the A833 plate adapter for my 1948 Plymouth coupe?  THANKS



Howdy -   via email to fargopickupking@yahoo.com   which is me tim kingsbury or by calling George Asche  Jr   814-354-2621

or you can also get me via my cell at 519-766-5695..    whatever works best for you !



  • Like 1


Yeh Hah..   finally a positive update.   Guess what arrived yesterday.  Yes, the final preproduction version of the new AoK dual intake for the 23 1/2"  US small block.  It is what we expected to see 4 months ago.  I say final preproduction version, is we have gone over and the few mods that were requested from the last version are in place.  The boys rushed it over to the machine shop for finishing, although the changes from the last version surrounded the placement of the linkage block that can be used for trucks and can be used for a serial number and some spelling on the name cast into it. So nothing performance wise.    They forgot to take pictures, so those will come this week when it comes back from the machine shop.


We anticipate giving the foundry guy the green light at the end of this coming week (fingers crossed) and when we do should be

able to get an ETA on getting them.


The 1st batch will be a qty of 20 of them. They will not have the water jacket on it and will be the only ones we build like that.

Once they are produced, the pattern and molding will be modified to add the water jacket (which you don't have to use) and from then on that will be what is in production.    So for those who want to use them in the winter and want the heated manifold like the later Edmunds, you will have to wait a little longer.  Aka the Power Wagon guys who actually drive in the winter. For everyone else, it will be 1st come 1st served.


Once we get an eta to get the 1st batch in our hands and off to the machine shop for finishing then we will say go... in terms

of those itching to send payment!




Posted (edited)

Well folks its back from the machine shop and for the last prototype before production it is awesome! 
Here are a couple of pictures..  The intake is designed to be able to accommodate a linkage bar on the inside or outside of 
the intake, as well as a casted section for truck usage, which  will double as a spot for a serial number.   We will try and early this
week get an eta on getting the 1st batch, as well as George will make up a set of linkage and we will try and get a shipping
price for anywhere in the USA.  Shipping to other locations we will have to get the shipping estimate on a case by case basis.
Its been a long time coming folks, but it is ever so close !
Thanks for everyone's interest and patience!

AoK dual carb intake for 23 1/2" USA small block -  July 2015


AoK dual carb intake for 23 1/2" USA small block -  July 2015


Edited by timkingsbury
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