Rough Spotters Guide for Intakes and their related technical information - Part 1 Edmunds
In creating this spotters guide for Flathead Plymouth, Dodge, Chrysler, Desoto, Fargo intakes
my hope was to show related information, pictures of various intakes, and attach any technical information
and perhaps vintage ads for them.
I am starting it here in hopes of putting something together with the help of many members and then maybe move it to the technical archives.
If there is lots of information coming forward, then maybe it becomes a given thread for each different intake
For now will do it as a grouping.
Why do it here ? Only because I or someone can edit and compile.
So 1st up Eddy Edmunds stuff - in my mind the Godfather of custom Mopar flathead intakes..
Attached the picture of 3 of the Edmunds intakes.
the dual carb Chrysler, Desoto and Dodge Truck (25 1/2" flathead) and the Edmunds triple for the
Chrysler, Desoto and Dodge Truck (25 1/2" flathead)
Courtesy of :
The Edmunds instruction manual pages with Linkage
Courtesy of:
A 1st generation Edmunds dual carb intake for the Plymouth and Dodge (23 1/2" flathead)
A 3rd generation Edmunds dual carb intake for the Plymouth and Dodge (23 1/2" flathead)
Courtesy of
Here is a 2nd generation Edmunds dual carb intake for the Plymouth and Dodge (23 1/2" flathead)
with integrated water and for two barrel carbs. This is the Edmunds "Pancake" Intake
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