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Plymouth put on the back burner, temporarily

blog-0005582001382416864.jpgWell my convertible is sitting on the side lines for a bit. A new addition has been added to our driveway. ITS A GIRL! 1960 Ford Thunderbird.

When my husband was young the carcass of a car arrived at his family home. Over the next few years he played in it with his older sister, kid stuff. Later his Dad started rebuilding the car and he was part of it. The car was finished after a few years and the family drove it. When my husband was 16 the car was sold, for unknown reasons to him at the time, teenage stuff. The sale broke his heart and he was angry. In 2002 he decided to start searching for the car. Unfortunately, with no success but has been searching ever since. One week ago today he received a call that there was a possible sighting of this beloved car in Durango! Thinking nothing of it he decided to go check it out anyway. Upon arrival he saw the car and still wasn't certain. He called me to come help check it out. The confirmation on the identity of this car was laying in the locked trunk, he said. We found he keys and unlocked the trunk. When the lid was lifted and I was sure my husband was going to his knees. To our surprise, there was an outline of a Thunderbird emblem made by his dad out of thumbtacks so many years ago. After over a decade of searching the 1960 Ford Thunderbird is back in the family, forever.

There is a lot more to the story but I don't want to bore anyone. Please ask questions if you have any ;-)


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Yesterday a new find to further confirm the car is THE car. We ripped out the interior for reupholstery, including the carpet. Underneath the carpet in the trunk was a letter made out to my father-in-law dated the year he sold the car!



Thats a pretty rad story!! It's always cool to see how these things can come full circle. A little bit of perseverance, and a lot of patience go a long way. Congrats to you and your husband on bringing the car back into the family!

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Barry Maxwell


Congratulations on recovering your '60 TBird. I took ownership of my parents '60 TBird after my father died in 1967. It was stored in our barn for 20-25 years until my son voluntered to restore it if I would bank roll it. I agreed and he returned it to us several years later and many $$$ later. We have since joined several TBird clubs and had it judged three times over the years (First Place each time). The color of your car looks like it's Palm Springs Rose, which was the original color of mine. Enjoy your family find!!! Congratulations.

Barry Maxwell

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Rodney Bullock


The 1960 T-bird is one of the most fantastic cars ever made, it was the result of ford trying to correct the two seat car that was ok however a family could not ride together. They are a design that for the first time held for 3 years with almost no change. If you notice the 1960 was the third and final chapter in the square bird line. As a result if you notice ever trim part is in 3's Three lights in the back, three hash marks on the quarter panel. There are three bars in the front grill. If you look close there are a couple more things in three. We had one when I was a kid actually we had 3 a black 59, a red and white 60. That was my favorite and a white 58 parts car. I have a replica of the red and white one only it's baby blue 50's style and very cool. Enjoy yours it looks great!

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Thanks for the comments! We are counting the days until she comes back with new interior. Now to come up with a good name for her.................



Welcome Home 60 T Bird!

The one good thing about our hobby we can work on our old cars at our pace. Since they are no longer a daily ride in most cases. We get to take our time searching for parts or funds to get it done the way we want.

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wow , this car was made around my birth.i was born in october.i am an auto mechanic.my dad ' s family owned a garage.now it is my cousin ' s garage and that is.where it ends...

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