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jcmiller last won the day on April 21 2014

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  • My Project Cars
    1942 Plymouth Special Deluxe Club Coupe; 1970 Plymouth Fury III


  • Location
    Portland, OR
  • Interests
    1942 Plymouth Special Deluxe Club Coupe

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  1. I'm sorry if someone already posted this, but the photo is just amazing, as are others on the Petrel website. This tractor has been under the sea for 75 years! The Hornet was discovered a couple weeks ago at about 18,000 feet under. It's amazing how well preserved it is. There is one where someone's jacket is still stuck in a hatch. Here is the URL: https://www.paulallen.com/Indepth/Petrel/discoveries/uss-hornet-cv-8.php
  2. I believe it was the first pdf that you have. Attached is a page from what he used to have on his website. If that pdf is not too large, I would love for you to email me a copy at jjmiller2005 at comcast dot net. With your permission, I would post it here: http://www.pwchryslerclub.org/resources.html Thanks! Thanks Tod. Yes, I am trying to figure out if this door works on all those models. I think it came off a 1946. I bought it for a piece of the trim but ended up not using it. General_Info.pdf
  3. A fellow on this forum used to host an online parts manual at http://chetscoins.com/1948p15/DocumentWeb/ I tried to use it today and the website no longer seems to exist. Is the parts manual available at another URL? I am looking for the part number for the glove box door for 1942 and 1946-48. Thank you.
  4. I followed Worden's advice and it worked! Note to self: it takes at least two minutes of cranking to get fuel to the carb after sitting for a long period. Thx guys.
  5. Thanks guys. In the past I have started the car after long periods of inactivity and agree it takes a while for fuel to get to the engine, but I think I am beyond that amount of time spent cranking the motor (more than 90 seconds, but not all at once). But, assuming that is the issue, wouldn't I feel some air pushing out of the line at the carb inlet if the pump was working and a column of fuel was on its way?
  6. Hi, I tried to start my '42 for the first time since November. I'm not getting fuel to the carb. I disconnected the fuel line where it goes into the carb and do not feel any pressure coming out of the line when I crank the motor. Does that mean the fuel pump is bad or could it possibly also mean clogged line, hole in line, or empty tank? I think I have a quarter tank and also added about 1.5 gallons to be sure and inspected the fuel line and don't see any holes or cracks. It's a mechanical fuel pump with a glass bowl. Thx!
  7. I think he was referring to your warning about not working under a car that is jacked up and not your suggestion about using the differential as the lift point.
  8. I''ll check the bumper for the notches, but here is what I really need to know - is this more likely from a 1970 Fury or a 1942 Plymouth? The reason I ask, is that I am selling the '42 and agreed to include the things that came with the car. This is on a shelf in the garage, and I can't remember which car it came from. It looks an awful lot like the one that my 70 Barracuda had. Thx!!
  9. I'm just following on this. Did anyone get a chance to check? Thanks.!
  10. I do have those. PM sent.
  11. Thanks!
  12. Does this look like the correct jack for a 1942 Plymouth? It was in the trunk when I bought it.
  13. We're working with a company that helped operate an oil disposal sump on the bank of a river in the 1940s and 1950s. The sump was created at the request of and with the assistance of the local authorities because until the sump was created the used oil and dirty bilge water was poured directly into the river. The sump was occasionally burned off. It seems crazy now, but it was an improvement at the time. Now the river is a Superfund site and guess who has to help pay to clean it up?
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