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Are you tearing down the whole barn or just the delapidated portion on the front??? NY state has a program where old barns, particularly post and beam structures which were built from first cutting timber, can qualify for rehabilitation grants. They want to keep as may of the old barns standing as they can. I have a 28 x 27 (nice measurements) 2 storey, I may be writing a grant application for shortly. They don't even need to be on working farms, the historical folks get the heebie jeebies whne you talk about razing them.

As a matter of fact a fellow here in town went through a two year process trying to get his old one torn down. Finally he had a bull dozer accident while excavating his new pool, that renedered it unrepairable. It came down and they put up a very modern looking 3 car garage. I miss seeing it.


I do historical renovations for a living. Where we live in NC the historical society is rather humerous. They let entirely too much get torn down or majorly altered. Our house is not a historical house but it will be considered one of the most historically accurate homes locally.

The "carriage house" will resemble the house and will be built using the techniques and materials of a "by gone" era. I plan on selling the barn to fund the new garage.

Charlotte is a town of "buy and 'doze". There is entirely too much of this going on here. I moved here about 9 years ago and it made me sick. That is how I got involved in the historical end of renovations. Being from Pittsburgh, PA, where many of the houses I have worked on were from the 1700's and most from the late 1800's and early 1900's, working on houses that are "new" in comparison is rather simple.

Greg, thanks for your concern but the barn is nothing special. The framing is typical farm framing, no quality here. I have considered rebuilding it many times but it is almost overpowering to the house. I am actually still considering keeping it, so we'll see.


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