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Rear axle outer seal

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Guest Dodge Joe

On the rear axle outer seal ,which way does the seal face? My truck kept leaking grease. So I bought new seals and when I look at the old seals, the lip was facing the wheel. Is that correct? My new seals it says on the side this side out,which the lip faces the axle? The shop manual does not show.

So what is it?


Joe, its always been my understanding that the lip closest to the shaft points in the direction where the oil/grease is.

Below is a very crude drawing of what I'm trying to say.

oil ---|<|---|wheel hub

Hope this makes sense :D.



I believe Brad is right - that is my understanding as well. You need to understand that this outer axle seal is just a little more than a dust shield for the bearing assembly - exaxtly like the grease seals in our front wheels. The bearings should be packed by hand while disassembled, and then reassembled. The seal just keeps the dust out and the grease away from the brake drum area. There is a pipe plug on the axle housing that can be fitted with a grease zerk, but if you go this route, only grease it with the drum removed, so you can see what is happening there. Do not overfill this with a pressure gun or you will end up replacing your brake lining.

Seal lip direction is much more critical on things that hold oil in, like front crankshaft seals and pinion shaft seals. If you get one of those in bassackwards, you'll wind up replacing it a second time. JMHO

Guest Dodge Joe

Thank for all the help. The outer seals were installed backwards. I kept getting oil on my brakes. I even took everthing apart and put it back again,but never look at the seals untill the second time. On the seal it said this side out,and they were backwards. I guess they thought it should face out looking at the wheel? You just got to check everthing when you get it back.


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