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OT old suitcase


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Wondering if anyone has ever seen one like this. I got it at a yard sale, it's all aluminum including a cast aluminum handle and looks pretty old. The lining is still OK, and it has a name and numbers written inside, maybe a service number? Looks like R.D. Clarke, 347-88-79.

Has anyone ever seen one?



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They used to have cases about that size to carry the shoe style roller skates. Not sure they would have had that nice an interior with a pocket, though. Mine just has a paper sort of liner. I wonder if that case was originally painted on the outside....I have a blue metal

larger case that was painted.

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When I was in the Navy my Service Number was the same sequence as those numbers, and my Chief was named Clarke. We all thought he was goofy because he'd get all the FUBAR micrometers and interchange parts until he had some that were dead-on accurate, but in retrospect it was something to do at sea other than read crotch novels while on watch in the engine room.

Hmmm... I wonder if that was where he kept the good ones.


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