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Posted (edited)

Hi everyone, 

My 54 Cranbrook was assembled here in Adelaide and delivered to York Motors in Sydney in 1954 for its original sale.

I have quite a bit of paperwork that came with the car. It started life with rego number APD639 and for some reason changed to GJ424 in 1975. 

Does anyone know if something caused rego numbers in NSW to change around that time?

I have to get new SA plates so I was going to try keep the same rego numbers. 

Any thoughts?


Edited by kd1975

Kurt...........that original New South Wales number(licence) plate APD639 was more than likely a yellow NSW plate with black letters/numerals, the change to GJ424 would have been to an early NSW "personalised number plate", ie the GJ was more than likely someones initials, ie, "George Jones" or similar ....................I haven't bothered getting personalised NSW plates as they cost more than a tightwad like me is prepared to pay.......lol.........but I'd be almost 100% certain thats what the NSW black & white GJ424 plates issued in 1975 signify........

...........as an aside when I purchased my 1940 Oz Dodge coupe in 1970 it still had the NSW number plate, ATB161, a yellow & black plate as shown in this pic that was used by publisher Eddie Ford in his Custom Rodder magazine article, "The Dodge Story"........when I purchased the 1940 Dodge Sedan that I still have in 1971 its rego plate was the yellow/black plate  " ECR855" , this plate was a little bent and chipped so I handed it in for a replacement pair in  July 1974 and was given yellow/black plate "GXL942" which it still has today............dunno if any of this has helped or hindered....lol..........andyd      


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Posted (edited)

I suspect GJ-424 was a personalised plate as NSW had the 3 letter / 3 number combination up until 2004.  Wikipedia says the APD plate was probably issued in 1954, which fits the purchase date. I'd like to do the same with my Chrysler, using a Victorian period ID. 

BTW, welcome to the forum.


- lol, tripped over Andy's post...


Edited by Ricky Luke

Ricky..........yeh, gotta be careful, I have an extra long post................err...........will go back to my corner now...........lol...............btw did you ever get the measurements of your Chryslers body etc?............regards, andyd

Posted (edited)

Thanks for your replies and welcome.

I thought it may have been personalised too. But I can't see any logic to it. 

The owners name was Brian Prott so it doesn't seem to fit.

I actually have the rego and insurance papers from 40 years ago but maybe I've confused something - quite possible.

The rego papers say GJ424 and the insurance papers say APD639 - which I assume is the rego.

Both papers appear to cover the same period so I'm a bit confused



Edited by kd1975

Kurt..........I grew up in Rockdale, the eastern side of the railway line to Queen Victoria Street.........its possible that the GJ424 plate was an original NSW black & white plate......before the personalised plate scheme came in it was common for people to actuully have to buy the car that had their initials on the rego plate then either hand the plates in then get them reissued to themselves or get them swapped over........not real sure how it was done as I am not that old........lol..........but I know that street well............woulkd have driven on it dozens of times............its possible I would have seen the car often, I can vaguely remember a black 50's mopar ex hearse on Queen Vic street..........andyd  


Wow.... small world.


As far as I can tell the car was last registered in 93, the owner passed away a short time later. It had been in storage ever since.

I might see what I can find from NSW motor reg

There was also a typed letter in the car to his father (I assume) from Domino's motors  recommending a car prior to the Cranbrook 

Some cool little pieces of history 



Yep, 158 QVst was up the top end near Bexley Road, havn't been there for 35yrs but can still remember it.......lol..............the guy with the hearse lived towards the bottom end, near to Kogarah Railway Station......surprising now that I think of it the number of "old" cars that were around then tho' I suppose they weren't really that old........lol..........I lived at Rockdale from 1960 to 1980,  6yrs old till 26, got married & moved to the Blue Mountains west of Sydney......until I got married I lived and worked all around what was known as the "St George"  area and knew most of the back streets, lanes and alleyways where old cars could be found as the scrappers didn't exist much back then although Simsmetal accounted for its share of neat old cars..........as you say....it is a small world........lol.............andyd.      

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