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I have read that the worm-and-sector type steering gear boxes are adjustible. Is that the case for our trucks? My steering wheel has quite a bit of play in it, could a simple adjustment to the steering box be the solution?

I've also come across this list of things to look for.


Possible Causes:

1) Front wheel bearings.

2) Steering knuckle bearings are worn.

3) Steering gear or connections are adjusted

too loose or are worn.


1) Adjust bearings or replace them if worn.

2) Replace bearings.

3) Install new parts as necessary or adjust steering gear.



There are two adjustments to PIlothouse boxes. The easy one is on top and is just a lash adjustment between the two gears - worm and sector. The orther adjustment is often overlooked and a little more difficult to make. On the bottom end of the box are four bolts that hold the lower worm bearing in place. Inside this bearing cover are a series of gasket shims. To adjust the up and down end play of the worm gear, first back off the lash adjustment, then feel the worm end play at the steering wheel -- sit in the seat and pull the whole wheel and worm shaft and gear up and down. You sould feel no play. If play is present, pull the four bolts and subtract a gasket. Continue doing this until all the end play is gone. You should be able to feel none at all. If you take too many shims out, the steering wheel will become stiff to turn, so add one back again, etc., until zero end play is present. If you remove all the shims and still have end play, you will need to disasseemble the box and replace some worm bearings. Then adjust the gear lash screw on top of the box.

CAUTION This lash screw should only be adjusted with he wheels straight ahead. There is a high spot on the sector shaft and you must be on this high spot in the dead center to make this adjustment. If you do not do this, you will have a tight spot when the gears come to this high spot. don[t forget to fill your box with lub or grease after your adjustments are finished. JMHO

Good Luck:)

don[t forget to fill your box with lub or grease after your adjustments are finished. JMHO

Good Luck:)


I have heard that grease is not an acceptable replacement for the required heavy gear oil. Any thoughts?



My thoughts on steering box lube - In 1948 I think you would have been correct to say that grease was not an acceptable box lube. The stuff they had was stiff and thick, and more like paraffin than the lithium multi purpose stuff we all take for granted today. Lithuium lube is used today for all chassis requirements, all wheel bearings and all CV joints and U joints - pretty amazing stuff.

I had my baptism by fire on steering box repair and lube on Ford 8 and 9N tractors. These tractors were so well built and pereormed so well they same as never died. If you could read an hour meter on some of these you would not believe your eyes. Even the notches on the throttle quadrents would wear off from hours and hours of use.

The nature of these steering boxes was that when they failed, the caged ball bearings at the top of the box wore out so badldy they came out of their cages and dropped into the worm and sector gears beneath them. Then, if someone tried to force the steering wheel, the case would crack, and the box became useless.

I have fixed many of these at the Vo Tech school where I taught. Our welding instructor got to be very good at welding cast 8N steering box cases, for this part is not available anywhere. I'll bet we fixed thirty or forty of them over the years, and they are all still running and happy today.

The problem was that the boxes all leaked oil after they wore out. We could not get them to hold gear lube, and without lube they failed and the bearings would fall into the gears - again. I began to pack these with lithium brease after we could not keep them sealed to hold 90/140 gear oil. I just put a grease zerk in place of the fill plug - same thread - and pumped them full of grease till it came out the vent. We never had a failure once this change was made.

I use grease in all manual boxes I rebuild. Never had a problem. I would not mix grease with old oil. If you feel safer using gear oil, go for it. Only problem is that most old boxes with oil in them leak. Keep an eye on yours if you fill it with oil. Given the choice between a box dry of oil and one filled with lithium grease, I know where my money is. JMHO:)

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