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I would rather tinker to upgrade a system on the car then spend a bunch of time repairing the same system over and over. I'll spend my time driving instead.


I'm all for upgrading, but I don't think that the stock brake system requires any more time for maintenance once, it's been replaced, than a disc setup. Mine has been working like new for 6 years, with no adjustment. The car say for 5 months over the winter, and when I got in it to drive it home from the storage garage, the brakes worked as new.

One other thing to consider with the cost to keep it apples and apples, is that the $714.50 that I spent included the front AND rear brakes, bearings, seals, etc. The disc kits that are more money are for the front brakes only... In spent only $450 on the front brakes, including $150 for a new master cylinder, or $300 for the front brakes, bearings, and seals only.



I noticed the Ammco tool for brake adjustment above, is this tool available somewhere or would it have to be an item to find at a swap meet? Wondering as would be nice to make sure the front shoes are adjusted correctly. :cool:


If you consider the cost of purchasing the AMMCO too, you are suddenly much closer to the cost of a conversion kit... :D

I got lucky when I bought mine, the e-bay frenzy for this tool hadn't caught hold. I paid $100 for the tool. I've seen them sell for over $500 since.

The merits of the tool have been hashed out over and over again on this forum. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I don't believe for a second that you can accurately adjust the stock brakes without the tool. Even with the tool, it takes some time to get it right.

If you can't get your hands on the tool for a resonable price, you can make an approximation out of threaded rod and a few other bits to get the shoes centered in the drum at the right diameter.




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