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Any west Coasties going to Cruze the Coos and Shore acres show and shine?

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No, but I will be going to the Outrider's picnic Sunday. What type of events are there?


For people that preregistered there is a BBQ Tonight. Poker run and cruise on Saturday and then car show on the bluff at Shore Acres on Sunday. I know that there are some people from Oregon, Northern California and Southern Washington on here. Figured I would check and see.


I wont be able attend this year (work stuff) but I will say it is one of the best if not the best show I have attended. The setting on the bluff overlooking the ocean, a free lunch, a great cruise, and some of the nicest folks around. I really wish I could attend this year. Our sedan took a plaque year before last...very nice myrtlewood. It is definitely worth the trip for those who are on the fence.


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