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My 9 YO Son and I just came back froma nice 30 mile drive, some highway, some urban.

The outside temp is around 82 supposed to climb to 88 today, very sunny, dry and breezy. The engine temp stayed right around 160-165f, engine ran well, oil prssure about 30-35 psi at idle once good and warm, about 45-50 psi on the road.

Car is running great, but I suspect I could sue some front end work, steering slightly sloppy.

I hope to do a front end rebuild, and new rear leaf springs and shackle bushing etc, in the future, would also like to install new body mount rubber too.

Other than that, car is running fine.......... have not added much to the forum lately, have not driven the car all that much 1200 miles since April:eek:, my road is so dusty:(, I hate driving the car on it..

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