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This weekends car show was in Bentley Ks. It was a small small one with only around 60 cars but I think it was probably the funnest yet this season. I love small town car shows because everyone seems to have more fun at them. Too many people just out for awards at the big shows.

Here's a few shots from it and, as usual, check out my photobucket album to see all of the rest of the cars.

The Old Girl with the little girl.


One of the few MOPARs at the show but she was a real beauty!


This was the Best of Show winner. Pretty cool old Edsel! I see him at every show I go to and yet he has never won anything until now. It's nice to see a home-built low-buck car win for a change instead of the deep-pocket guys that always take home the trophies.



Thanks for the report.

Even though it was a small show, there was a pretty wide variety of

vehicle styles and types represented.


My experience at small town car shows has been contrary to this fine show. Most shows are like the Topeka Downtown Cruise Night in early May, only in miniature. More Tri-5 Chevies, Mustangs, and Chevelles than one can shake a stick at, and little else. My personal preference is to take the ol' girl out for a drive. Being a grey more door, my car tends to be invisible at most car shows in favour of the brightly painted muscle cars and loud pipes. I am truly amased at how few old cars are driven w/ any frequency. Most cars only show up at the car shows and for no thing else. I felt guilty that my car had been put up for just over a week when I got her out to go to work this morning. Most folks think they drive theirs a lot if they make it out to a show on the week end.

My experience at small town car shows has been contrary to this fine show. Most shows are like the Topeka Downtown Cruise Night in early May, only in miniature. More Tri-5 Chevies, Mustangs, and Chevelles than one can shake a stick at, and little else. My personal preference is to take the ol' girl out for a drive. Being a grey more door, my car tends to be invisible at most car shows in favour of the brightly painted muscle cars and loud pipes. I am truly amased at how few old cars are driven w/ any frequency. Most cars only show up at the car shows and for no thing else. I felt guilty that my car had been put up for just over a week when I got her out to go to work this morning. Most folks think they drive theirs a lot if they make it out to a show on the week end.

I know what you mean. All the, what I like to call cookie-cutter cars, around here seem to ignore the little shows though. My Old Girl is a blue more door but I have only felt invisible at one show so far and that's because I got parked on the end of a new Ford dealers display so I don't think a lot of people even noticed me there. Most shows I have lots of people come up to ask questions mainly because I am so different than the run-of-the-mill show cars.

I also know what you mean about driving them. I've only had the Old Girl for a few months and I have put well over 4,000 miles on her so nobody can say she's a trailer queen. Leaving this show we saw 4 trailers waiting to load cars after the show. Unless she breaks down, you will never see the Old Girl on a trailer.

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