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While in Kansas City visiting the daughter and son in law........

Dale and I went out cruising around while the ladies went shopping.

Stopped at an old looking place I had seen listed in the phone book.

The owner, a fellow probably in his 40s (maybe early 50s),

explained what he can do and can't do with chroming.....he

can't do anything much with "pot metal". He can make certain

repairs to an item, but he says the place will show up once the

chrome is done. Showed us a couple examples.

He explained that he probably can't do the front bumper on my

P15 as it has too much turned back on the ends -- and his tanks

are kind of small and won't accommodate more than a pretty straight

bumper a max of around 63 inches long.

He gave us a very brief tour of the area where the tanks are

located, and also the polishing room. During the conversation,

we discovered he does a lot of business with a certain vendor

who sells aftermarket replacement parts, including chromed items....

The vendor has the part stamped, then ships them to K C for this

fellow to plate. So, he doesn't have to depend on individuals who

walk in and want a thing or two done.

The few prices we heard sounded reasonable.

A customer who came in while we were there informed

us that A & A Plating in Independence, MO seems to have

stopped doing "chroming and polishing" and is doing plastic

plating, if we understood correctly. Anyway - it was interesting.


Thats too bad, he can't do your Bumpers .

We have a few shops here in Winnipeg, one shop does everything, including pot metal, stainless straightening and polishing too. I have only seen pics of his work, looks good, I need to do what you have done, and tour his shop..........Fred

Posted (edited)

Fred, my rear bumper has been re-chromed for a few years now.

Just need the front done......it's not real bad, but should be better.

In order to save the cost of re-doing the front guards, I bought 2

n o s ones on ebay for a little less. I should have taken the front

bumper to the same guy who did the rear one......but typical of me,

I didn't get a "round tuit"......and now the guy's health is getting

bad and he doesn't feel like lifting bumpers any more. He's a one

man operation in a small town. Last time I talked to him, he would

do small parts. But at the same time, was thinking of closing up

the place.

Then I was told about a place in Independence, MO.....I called

them and got a quote. But just recently they quit doing regular

chrome and are dealing in plastic plating.

So, I may end up going to Cuba, MO where Mark in St. Louis

had his items done. A little longer drive, but probably would be

worth it.

Edited by BobT-47P15

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