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After Merle pointed out that none of our trucks had the "Dodge" painted on our tailgates, I've pondered and came to the conclusion that the letters on the tailgate should match the wheels.

I also considered that the simplist method to do that would be to use a hard rubber roller and just coat the top of the letter.

So here are the pictures, the deed is done.







Dennis, that looks great. I tried that and failed. Guess my hard roller wasn't hard enough. My final solution was to wimp out and go across the street to my neighbor, who is a commercial artist. Took my tailgate over on a bag wagon and she whipped it out in no time. Biggest difference I see is that with mine, she went down to the very bottom of the letter, while yours sits more clearly on the very top. Guess they're both correct.

My hat's off to you for your ingenuity. Looks great.

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