Hemmings discussion: At What Point Should an Unrestored Car be Restored?
They changed the rules about who or when comments can be made - didn't see when it happened, or what the changes are, but I was unable to post the comment I typed in, so I'm going to post it here. Not to cause a ruckus, but just so my comment will not 'go to waste'. Here's what I wrote:
As much as I DO become attached to the vehicles that were the family car during my own childhood, young adult life, and during the time my children were young, an automobile is a thing, not a person. The person whose name is on the title is the OWNER, not just a "Care Taker".
So my answer is that an unrestored car should be restored at what ever time the owner decides he or she can successfully complete the task. Do I like to see unrestored cars? Certainly. As a number of people have said here already, that's how we know what it is supposed to look like.
So to put these two opinions together, while they are, to some extent, in conflict, if you have an old car in unrestored and very good condition (or even just good enough to display original elements of design & workmanship, then by all mean document it. Digital cameras make that very cheap to do. I know that is not the best for being able to see exactly or precisely how something was done, but unless you or I can personally purchase the car we want preserved as a reference, it's the best we can hope for.