I have a situation with the garage door opener at the shop I lease. I cannot just take it out & make it manual, due to the rental agreement.
The deal is that it stalls when lifting the door, and it's getting worse. It just sits there & buzzes until I stop it, and then go help it up while activating the remote. I have checked over the track & door rollers, etc, and everything appears to be in order - not binding anywhere.
I have been searching for a new one on-line, but find that the old style ones with the dip switches that can easily be set to a new code are apparently no longer available. What's the deal with this nonsense about putting everything on the internet or on a smart phone?! Does anyone here know if you can connect the old style controller to a newer garage door opener? (I'm not against using technology where it is needed, but in my opinion this is crazy.) The one that is currently installed is some brand that has apparently sold out twice since this one was made, so I'm guessing it's pretty old. Looking at Genie & Chamberlain so far. Any recommendations?