There is an auction coming up near here that has a couple of old metal lathes to be sold. The bigger one is too big for any place I'd have to put one, but there is also a small Craftsman model 101. I know that a real machinist would laugh at one of those, but there are a couple of things I'm lacking - room, and money to spend on it. I had hoped to get my wife's uncle's bench-top lathe (his auction was a few weeks ago), but someone else wanted it 'badder' than me.
So, does anyone here have one of these Craftsman models, and if so, how much should i pay? I know that it depends on the condition of the thing, and what tools go with it, but just a ball-park figure. I have never had any training on one - just had some opportunity to use the one in our mechanics shop in Brazil from time to time during the years we were missionaries there. So I can't judge the value of the tooling, etc. (I only ever did very basic jobs on it.)