Heading home from a short trip I saw a cloud of smoke billowing out behind 'ol Roxanne. Was I on fire?! When I got her pulled over I discovered that G@$ D!@# oil bath air cleaner had fallen off the carb and spilled its load on the engine. This is the third or fourth time that invention has lost its load.
Obviously I'll be purchasing a dedicated fire extinguisher for the truck. Heck, I'll probably buy a few and spread them around from the truck and garage to the kitchen.
Online I see prices for 5lb extinguishers from 15.99 to 167.50. What's up with that? They are all class 5-B:C rated; good for gasoline, grease, oil and electrical fires. What am I missing? I need counseling and advice. @pflaming you might want to weigh in here
Should I just head down the the local Walmart? Order the 15.99 fire extinguisher from Target (view online) or check out Costco and Amazon (here are Amazons's)?