I have already installed the clutch housing, or bell housing as some call it, but now I'm worried. The shop manual says that you need Special Tool C-870. This is a tool that bolts onto the crankshaft flange bolts before the Fluid Drive is installed. The tool has a long rod that sticks out of the housing. Mounted on the rod is a micrometer that measures for out-of -round of the clutch housing bore, which should measure no more that .005", and the rear face of the housing, which should measure .002". You measure the clutch housing bore by turning the crankshaft one revolution. If it is out of the spec, you loosen the dowel pins and tap the housing until it is within spec. The manual says that if you fail to do this, you will get hard shifting and sometimes gear disengagement. If I can't get this tool, is this something an alignment shop could do? I do have a spare transmission main shaft for this car which is how I aligned the clutch to install it.
Thanks, Marc.