!949 Plymouth Suburban. Refurbishing the service brake system. Pulled all the wheel cylinders and master cylinder from car to refurb at the bench. Happy that all castings and internal parts are "Made in USA". All bores were good requiring only slight honing to bring back brightness to the bore. All bores were 1-1/8 diameter. My 1946 to 1954 Service manual says all bores are 1-3/8 diameter. So the question is: what can I expect from a drivability and performance stand point with this smaller diameter braking system? Also, my parts catalog calls out a"Brake Pedal Pull-Back Spring" and a 'Clip". No picture of these items in the Parts Manual or Service Manual. Can anyone give me a description of these parts, attaching points, etc. or maybe a picture. I also have a 1949 B1B with brake pedal return spring. Are the return springs similar on both vehicles? Regards