Hi folks. I’m happy to join one of the best-respected forums on the web. I’ve never had a flathead-era MoPar, so I haven’t had any reason to do more than lurk up to now.
I still don’t have one, technically, but once I get a bunch of early Ford stuff sold, I want to build a ‘40s-style Dodge Brothers hop up with all pre-1949 Dodge, DeSoto, Chrysler, and Imperial parts. On paper, this calls for a ‘15-‘22 Dodge Brothers roadster with a ‘23-‘26 cowl; the brakes, floor-shift trans, and rear axle from a ‘38 Chrysler; 19x4 wire wheels ala ‘29 DeSoto; and a postwar flathead six (I’m undecided as to whether the 23-inch or 25-inch engine) with a couple carburetors and an alloy head.
I’m looking forward to picking the brains here and hopefully harvesting some of your castoffs. Thanks for having me!