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Everything posted by bambamshere

  1. Yeah I had the front cover off about 2 weeks ago and had to take everything off the front of the truck plus hood. Fun fun. Do it before winter hits or wait till spring. I had it apart and put it all back together so I can move it just in case
  2. Hello I haven't been on here in a while. You know life gets busy. My question is. I have 251 Flathead in my truck and heard something humming not squealing or grinding. Just sounded like something was off. So took front of engine apart and look down and found that the plate that secures the camshaft in place was snapped in 2. 2 bolts still holding it on. Anyone else ever have this happen? How hard is it to replace? Where could I even find one? Thanks for the help.
  3. Thanks Oil pressure was really good. I changed the intake and exhaust manifold gaskets last year. I did however remember now that I went over a set of train tracks and the truck was all over the place. wonder if I dislodged something
  4. So today I was a mopar show with my truck. I went to start it at the show and it started ticking. I turned it off went to inspect and everything looked fine. Then I drove it back home and all was fine. Ran great at the light on idle and then I got home and it started not banging but a real load ticking noise. All fluids are good. I am running 15W40 for oil. Should I be running ZDDP with the oil? Anyone have any ideas? I don't think I blew the motor or anything but odd tick. Could it be a piston? Thanks for the help
  5. What is everyone using to seal up inspection pan for transmission? There was some black glue type stuff on it before that was past it due date 50 some odd years back. I was thinking of getting some tape that has some sticky stuff on both side for it but not sure if that would do the job. I don't know if they still make. I know my Grandfather and Father had some at one point. But there both gone now and can't ask where they got it from. What do you all think?
  6. What I did was take all the moving stuff off the seat. Then I took the frame from the bench and mounted the seat to it. I had to fashion a couple brackets out of 2 inch flat bar. The center console is able to be taken out as it is a place to put stuff under the seats. The buckets are high back and the seat belts I used are also out of 97 Dakota the extended cab back middle seat has a 48" lap belt. I secured one to the seat and the other is attached to the truck frame/cab anchor point
  7. So about 2 years ago I put buckets in to my truck. The bench seat I had in my truck was 54 inches across or just about. I found a 97 Dakota had 54 inch across bucket seats with a center console.
  8. I understand the laws and all Tooljunkie but I installed 1997 Dakota bucket seats in mine this year and the have a place for the buckle on the seat. So now I think I have to. I have searched Manitoba laws about it and can't find anything and our police need anything to collect revenue on Sunday nights. I will just install them.
  9. Oh ok sounds good. I will have to go buy more as I had to cut last 2 off. They seem to be 1/2 inch X 5 inch long. Thanks still wondering about the seat belt bolts. I don't think they can be class 5. Going to have to look a bit around. Well that was quick seat belt bolts need to be class 8.8 (8). Oh well I will buy 2 class 8 bolt when I put belts in.
  10. Are you saying stay with class 5 or go to class 8. Think it was stay with the class 5. I guess in future when putting seat belts in probably should go to class 8
  11. Hello I took a couple bolts out today from the cab to frame. I noticed though they were Class 5 bolts. Should they not be Class 8 or higher.
  12. I put grade 5 bolts on it. It isn"t leaking but if it does I will put the grade bolts on.
  13. Sorry just got all off these posts. I thought when I got a reply to one of my post it sent a email. Guess I have it one once a week. Anyways I did find some studs. Shoulds I be using grade 8 nuts the studs. Because I bought grade 5 and already went around it.
  14. Does anyone know where one might find the studs for the differential pan. They are 7/16 studs with coarse thread that goes into the diff housing and fine thead on pan side. I did see some on Summit site but they seem long to me. It looks like someone took a hammer to mine and bent a few of the studs and mushroomed the top of them. Plus does anyone no if they are class 8 studs. It is a 12 bolt diff
  15. Just wondering someone said JB weld would the would the Permatex cold weld work or does it have to be JB weld. I guess it needs to be some thing that can be sanded when dry
  16. Well I see what I did. Wonder what I was thinking about when I put it on. Oh well live and learn.
  17. So what you are telling me is to read the instructions? Lol
  18. See what happened was I didn't put it on the top grove the larger one. I put it on the bottom grove smaller one. I guess that was wrong. Oh well live and learn. Ordered another one. Be here next Tuesday.
  19. Thanks I will get another one
  20. Ummmmmmm that would be a no and buy new seal. Is that what you are trying to say. So I bought the one off of rockauto National 99187. Does anyone know if there is a longer sleeve.
  21. Hello thanks for all the help. I found a original pinion seal. I soaked it in oil. Was told to do that for 24hrs to make sure the leather was softer. Did all that. Bought speedy sleeve and there is my problem. Put it on to far down and is leaking again. Think I will buy new sleeve and take rotary tool and gently take old on off and put new on back on or because I cut the peice to put it on off. Would there be a way to gently hammer it back up a bit.
  22. Ya I noticed that also. I am now looking for U joints. Also very fun. I bought a couple off ebay and they were wrong ones. Oh well
  23. Oh ok sorry I thought it was the actual diameter after you put it on the shaft. Thanks so much.
  24. The Speedi sleeve if you read last post I got the dimensions off the internet. You could be right and I could be confusing flange dimensions. Ok now really confused
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