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Everything posted by Reze

  1. Last ride for 2016. Merry Christmas to all of you.
  2. I have this little switch under the dashboard. Does anyone know what that is for?
  3. here is a close picture of the freeze plug. i repaired the starter. i'm happy i solved that problem. now i still have no oil pressure. i disconnected the hose of the oil pressure gauge, but there comes no oil when i try to turn the engine. i removed the oil pump and fill the pump with oil. still no oilpressure. i tried the same with the other pump, but i do not have oil pressure. any idea, what i should try next? i'm happy for any suggestion.
  4. hello everybody i did some progress on the plymouth during the past months. got the motor in, after some engine work. i painted the firewall and did many small things. yesterday i tried to start the engine, but i could not get oil pressor. after i tried 2-3 times, the 12V battery was discharged , and i also think i need a new starter. he blocked sometimes. i will try to make it work with the hammer. but i'm sure i need a new one. can enyone recommend me an new starter? sorry for my english, i hope you understand what i want to tell you . Here are some pictures of the progress. greetings andré
  5. good luck. i try to start my engine in a few weeks.
  6. awesom restauration.
  7. Nice Car. Grüsse aus der Schweiz
  8. the oil filter supply and return lines can be different.
  9. thank you all for your help and information. this page is worth every second I spend here. I will keep you updated.
  10. Hello all. My name is André, and i live in Switzerland. The original 218 engine of my 1947 Plymouth special deluxe is broken. My plan is to install a 230 engine out of a 1950 Dodge with fluid drive, and keep the bellhouse and standart 3-speed transmission of my Plymouth. I 've heard there are problems with flywheel and crankshaft. Does someone knows if this is possible? Thanks in advance
  11. I have joined both too.
  12. With removing the front and hood , i could pull motor and transmission.
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