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Everything posted by splitknucks51

  1. Sorry about how long it took to get back to this. No the original was not a 230 it was a 218. There were a couple of thing that I ran into when doing the swap, the head did not have the boss's to attach the oil canister or the spark plug wire retainer bracket. The manifold and the carb were also different, but other than that everything dropped right in.
  2. Thanks everyone for the help sorry I took me so long to get back. I have been busy trying to figure this out. It looks like I was missing the bracket that attaches to the bell housing. I should have taken a picture before I install it last night. Here are some pics of what it looks like. After all that on the first test shift the Torque pivot shaft snapped on me on the pedal side. Looks like I will need to find one of those. The # that is on mine is 1319320. And ii doesn't look like Andy Bernbaum's doesn't have one for a 1951 Plymouth. If anyone has one PM me.
  3. Transmission side Bracket
  4. Frame side Pivot Ball Bracket
  5. Transmission side pivot ball
  6. That is pretty much what I thought. But wasn't 100% sure. Thanks!
  7. Hello, Everyone this is my first post here.....Gulp. I just purchased a 51 Cranbrook all original. The motor was seized so I tore it out. I found and industrial 230 that I have put in it and am now to the transmission portion. I have the transmission installed and am trying to put all the brackets back on it. I took photos of where everything went but unfortunately broke my phone and the pics are un-retrievable. I have been search P15-D24 for any post about this specific topic and have found a few diagrams that are kind of similar but not 100% correct to my application. Does anyone have any pic or diagrams that they could send me of the park brake layout and the clutch torque shaft and linkages. I have ordered a manual but I am impatient. All so on a separate note and I may need to start a new post on this one, but I will give it a shot. I need to replace the passenger floor pan and inner and outer rockers. Is there a particular order that I should replace them in?
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